Problem coop


the coop does not work, with my friends once we start the mission comes out a message, this message: failed connect (and the other written I forgot it !!! sorry), the mission does not start and when it comes back we find ourselves in 2 to play instead of 3 player

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Problem coop
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6 years 262 days ago

... tried an multiplayer too tonight with a friend... a friend i just confinced to buy the game.

=>  lasted about 5 minute till the mission started

=> in the game: heavy lags (ping from 20 to 300 and above)

Guess its due to the still actual server-problems that caused yesterday so much trouble?

Hope so ...  i promised him, that this surely going to better the next days... :-/ 

This comment was edited 6 years 262 days ago by Nelchal