Priority Assignments broken - patch 2.0.0d (PC)


EDIT: important - forgot to say that everything here is referring to the random selection in Priority Assignments - I’m not able to test the DLC ones as they are completed on my character.

Priority Assignments seem to be completely broken now. 

1.  When playing an assignment, you now only seem to get one mission - whereas before 2.0 there could be multiple missions to an assignment.  Should this have been a design change, then the description text should change to match.

2. I keep getting the same mission - five missions in a row (before 2.0.0d) were identical.

3. The debrief screen does not always play.  It just abruptly drops to the command bridge.

4. The Finish Assignment screen does not always play.

5. I’ve had the Priority Assignment instantly complete when I’ve selected a new one - it just went straight to the reward screen.

This post was edited 5 years 243 days ago by Chas88
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Priority Assignments broken - patch 2.0.0d (PC)
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