Poison damage



I have 2 questions

1. How to calculate poison DoT? Bleedeing comes from physical damage but poison comes from Warp damage?

2. I have inoculator skill +150% damage bonus for poison effect against Bleeding enemies. It means that poison damage increased but I have to inflict poison damage or it gives me extra poison damage?

I play with Psyker

Best Regards


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Poison damage
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3 years 303 days ago

Only to poison on psyker will be form warp rods ( morality on only) 

if u get thos  then i would add it.

i would add poison on psykter more dps , 

nothing can be calculated, they dont have answer for us. 

I have inoculator skill +150% damage bonus for poison effect against Bleeding enemies. It means that poison damage increased but I have to inflict poison damage or it gives me extra poison damage?

I play with Psyker ( depens on which char u going to use this for and build u have or it can  be an add on till u get an better item 

that is 2 part item - if u dont bleed them u dont do the posion dmg u need do posion   too


3 years 305 days ago
Take care and I wish you a lot of fun :)
3 years 305 days ago
Ok. Thanks for info. So leaving Poison ;) I'm fast psyker build modified to increase max warp damage. Second character now with radical morality 94 lvl. Previous psyker 100lvl ssme but radical morality. I will wait for next season. 

Take care & good luck

3 years 305 days ago
If you're playing a Psyker I wouldn't invest in poison.

I believe assassin is much better for that.

Psyker is best played as pure warp damage or pyro.

Are you playing the season? If so, google smattymatty psyker build for an awesome warp damage psyker build.

I'm playing Psyker with maelstrom and empyrean hail with an energy shield and the build is awesome.

Can easily do +6 missions without a sweat.

3 years 306 days ago

I suspected that +150 poison damage only increasing poison dsmage but not inflict. It really hard to find poison damage for psyker skills and items only morality weapons like aether blade orwwarp rod have +10% to +30% chance to poison on hit. :( is it worh to invest in poison damage?

3 years 306 days ago

2. It means that when you inflict poison damage, the poison damage done is 150%  increased when inflicted against targets that are also bleeding.

1. Not Warp, unless I misunderstand your question.

Damage is divided into 3 main categories: heat, warp and physical damage as standard damage types. 

But damage types are complex.

You have DoT's like bleed. If you have a physical attack that induces bleed, then the DoT counts as bleed and not Physical. But the attack from the original attack is Physical before the DoT kicks in.

You also have channeled attacks, salvo attacks, kinetic attacks, etc... they are not a type of damage but a type of attack and there are boosts that e.g. increase damage for channeled skills.

Check the Needler sniper rifle, it inflicts poison. 

I'm not sure if this helps you, there are people who are much more versed into the workings of these mechanisms.