Pls one Dev, or Marco help out with Programmable mouse


I been thinking about this for a longer period of time, and I decided to have to ask you Devs or Marcopolocs here (as he is the one most around in this Forum), for tips and guides to how and such.

Ok, a programmable Mouse. Easy, right? If you want one, just get one. Nope, it´s not always that easy.

The thing is, with quite some of these Mouses that are programmable and with tons of Buttons, even though many of them is totally ok, I also know that some of them may have negative impact on some games around. Negative impact as in some ARPGs that is required to be online to play, some Mouses may have an effect as is comparable to you cheating. Cheating in the way that the game reacts to the use of Programmable Mouse as it is like cheating. I don´t know how and why this works/happens. But I heard of episodes where these kind of Mouses have had such an impact on some games, and some players have had negative experiences regarding some of these Mouses. I know some people have had their games closed for a period of time, because of their Programmable Mouse have had an negative impact on their games to cause it to be taken as actual Cheating even though it isn´t. Or the software requred to be installed together with the Mouse is doing it or having some kind of impact on it.

Anyway, I heard of incidents of Programmable Mouses (or their required software installation) having a bad impact on games like Diablo 3 and Path of Exile and it has been taken as "Cheating".

Now, do you know about this sort of thing, and which or what kind of Mouses that may cause this sort of thing, and which one Mouse I would need to buy to avoid this sort of thing and which one is recommended? Since I very much would like to buy one Programmable Mouse to make things hopefully easier for me to play Inquisitor, and which may give me less strain on muscles and so on. And yeah, I actually do prefer to pay €10 too much rather then too little.

And if you Marcopolocs is the one who reads this, I hope you also can make some time to answer and clarify me the Q´s I have about this Warp related stuff I asked about 15 days ago, where the only thing I get is Thumbs down, pls. Thank you.

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Pls one Dev, or Marco help out with Programmable mouse
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4 years 25 days ago
Posted by Marcopolocs 4 years 26 days ago

Well, I'm not really proficient in programmable mouses even though I also heard about a bug in Diablo 3 which can be exploited this way and hasn't been fixed.

All in all, we will not take its usage as a form of cheating, rest assured!:)

Then I take that as a confident green light.

I don´t know how and what can and may is causing it, but am asking since I heard of incidents that some Programmable Mouses or their Software that needs installing is causing this.

I know people have talked about this and it has been issues of some Mouses or their needed Software install that caused this. I know for sure there was something about it regarding games as Diablo 3 and the game called Path of Exile, and some other games in this ARPG genre.

I´m going checking out my local stores next week for one.

4 years 26 days ago

Well, I'm not really proficient in programmable mouses even though I also heard about a bug in Diablo 3 which can be exploited this way and hasn't been fixed.

All in all, we will not take its usage as a form of cheating, rest assured!:)

This comment was edited 4 years 26 days ago by Marcopolocs
4 years 28 days ago
Thx, I will check this one out. But I am also looking for some more indepth view as well, on this whole issue.
4 years 31 days ago
I use a logitech G203 with the software to play the game and have no issues.