Playstaion 5 Character movement


I have created 3 characters on the game since I got it. Crusader,  Adept and Asssasin. They all have some kind of movement bug that slow them down when I play. I am moving through the map find or my ship and they slow down while I have the left thumbstick all the way in the direction I want them to go. Also when I start a mission and an objective is close to where I start and I press Triangle the  character moves towards the objective. I have two controllers, they both do the same thing. I have deleted game and installed, also I have also remove controllers from PS5 bluetooth and reinstalled and nothing samse issue. I have the deluxe edition that came with all the dlcs. Any help would be appreacited. MadMax428 on PSN.

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Playstaion 5 Character movement
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3 years 28 days ago
What happens if you don't push the left stick to the very end? Can you move your characters then?