Perpetual prayer not working?


So, most of the stats in the character screen, update with the skills you take. like if i take physical resist in the defense skill tree, my physical resist goes up. same with my focus in my character sheet going up if i take extra focus. 

however, when i take the "perpetual prayer" skill, my focus regeneration stays at 1 instead of being increased to 1.25

0.25 focus regeneration is a LOT. it's a 25% increase of your base focus generation. this is an important skill imo. and all other evidence of how the character sheet updates leads me to believe that it is not working:

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Perpetual prayer not working?
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3 years 223 days ago

The focus regen stat appears to be displaying the floored value of focus regen, I tested perpetual prayer with artificial organs 1  it does seem to show up in the stat panel only when it reaches the next whole number increase.

See the end of my post on focus regen bugs here for a bit more info.

This comment was edited 3 years 223 days ago by KaosPanda
3 years 226 days ago
Not every effect appears in the stats so there is a high chance that the ability works properly. With that said, the stats should update so I will write this up for our devs. Thanks!