Passive Skill Bug and Thunder Hammer Control Question



I play on the PC and I am experiencing a bug with the passive skills every time I use the mind reset. When I reset a certain skill tree and allocate the points to another tree, the former tree fills out with points again and I get a negative value on my points.

In this picture I just used several mind resets and re allocated my points to other skill trees and the points went back to the former skills trees and along with the new skill trees which resulted in the negative points. Please help me.

And on another note, I am having trouble with the thunder hammer. I am using an xbox controller on the PC and I don't understand how the thundering leap skill targets enemies. Sometimes I am able to jump right to my target but sometime he just jumps anywhere even if I have a target lock on an enemy. Is this a bug or am I just using the controls wrong? Please help. Thanks.

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Passive Skill Bug and Thunder Hammer Control Question
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5 years 238 days ago
For all who have the same problem, stumbeled upon the solution. Use the reset but don't use the skill points. Quit with unassigned points. Start game again and voila it works now.
5 years 238 days ago
Same issue here, Please fix asap
5 years 238 days ago
Thanks for the report, we will fix this issue as soon as possible.

The Thundering Leap has been fixed some time ago, it seems more adjustment need with the controller, thanks for informing us on this. In the meantime we compensated your Mind reset loss, check on your inventory, 2nd page.