New Tech Adept mechanics not designed well


I'm playing Tech Adept, currently level 70 and I found out, that leveling the tech weapons individually is wrong design choice.

I would like to try different builds but I'm unable to do it, because I would need to level the various weapons of my pets to level 70 and this requires a tons of fragments. 

I started with Visivsector with Claw and Combustor with Meltagun, I'm able to level up these two weapons but after each level up I'm basically out of fragments. 

It would be great if all weapons could be leveled in single game, otherwise I'm stick with one/two types of pets.

This post was edited 3 years 141 days ago by Poe
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New Tech Adept mechanics not designed well
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3 years 122 days ago
Posted by Lankester 3 years 135 days ago

It's good to see that this will be addressed, at least in some way. As mentioned previously, my personal preference would be to have a catch-up mechanic for upgrading additional weapons, but even a simple adjustment of tech fragment drops would be helpful.

The easiest solution would be to unlock the upper level limit on tech fragments (currently 700% at +10 difficulty level) and make the drop rate scale logarithmically beyond +10. It would significantly improve the grind while also encouraging players to push for harder missions. There would be the additional risk vs reward element, which is missing right now.

Currently there is zero practical reason to run missions higher than +10 - except own interest and entertainment, experimenting, and bragging rights. They don't drop more tech fragments and as far as gear goes, doing +10 Soul Grinder missions during the Week of the Hoard with 5 stacks of the seasonal buff, with max tarots and Extreme Fortune will outclass any other gear source in the game by a huge margin.

If the game had +20 missions drop 500k fragments, they would be well worth running.

Ok men

3 years 135 days ago

It's good to see that this will be addressed, at least in some way. As mentioned previously, my personal preference would be to have a catch-up mechanic for upgrading additional weapons, but even a simple adjustment of tech fragment drops would be helpful.

The easiest solution would be to unlock the upper level limit on tech fragments (currently 700% at +10 difficulty level) and make the drop rate scale logarithmically beyond +10. It would significantly improve the grind while also encouraging players to push for harder missions. There would be the additional risk vs reward element, which is missing right now.

Currently there is zero practical reason to run missions higher than +10 - except own interest and entertainment, experimenting, and bragging rights. They don't drop more tech fragments and as far as gear goes, doing +10 Soul Grinder missions during the Week of the Hoard with 5 stacks of the seasonal buff, with max tarots and Extreme Fortune will outclass any other gear source in the game by a huge margin.

If the game had +20 missions drop 500k fragments, they would be well worth running.

This comment was edited 3 years 135 days ago by Lankester
3 years 135 days ago
Further adjustments (probably Tech-Fragment drop-wise) will come in this regard. The changes will be implemented with the next Seasonal patch.