New Dates for

Patch 2.0 and Prophecy



In order to provide a more polished experience for you, we have come to the difficult decision to reschedule the release of Inquisitor - Prophecy and Patch 2.0. 

We will keep working hard to make the game even better, and in the meantime, we'd like to ask for your patience and understanding. Here are the new dates:

The console versions will be available at a later date, stay tuned for the exact dates.

In the meantime, we have assembled an in-depth compendium containing all the new features coming with the update, including all the new items and more, so that you can see what's coming in Patch 2.0.

You can find the compendium here.

We hope you'll find these changes to your liking.

The Emperor Protects!

This post was edited 5 years 288 days ago by Tender
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New Dates for Patch 2.0 and Prophecy
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5 years 219 days ago

In addition to pc it is possible not to pay the dlc. As usual on console we get ripped off. We pay as much as we can

5 years 219 days ago

Patch 2.0 is planned to be released this Fall.
In case of couch coop players can create a character for their partners but these characters cannot progress on their own. Local coop is not available ingame.

5 years 222 days ago
Posted by SadloKiller 5 years 222 days ago
Hi, so if I understand well, the new patch for PS4 will delay. So when do think the patch will be ready, I dont need strictly date just for expample. And pleas could Y help me with other question: with my girl friend play local coop but only one could change the weapon, armor etc.. its normal, because its not funny for us. thx for answear.
and other question: the game many times fall down, the patch will fix it? thx Michal

5 years 222 days ago
Hi, so if I understand well, the new patch for PS4 will delay. So when do think the patch will be ready, I dont need strictly date just for expample. And pleas could Y help me with other question: with my girl friend play local coop but only one could change the weapon, armor etc.. its normal, because its not funny for us. thx for answear.
5 years 224 days ago

I understand that you are a small studio but by force to make wait the players you will end up having no more nobody.
You have released 2 big updates on PC but nothing on console.

 The priority missions are very interesting but too short.

Watch the number of players who play streaming console, there is almost no one. Warhammer martyr has a huge potential but you exploit it very badly. There are no rewards for players who invest time. example: for the first warzone there is no interest to go beyond the 120 battle. No valid reward.

Warning !!! soon there will be very big games that will come out.

5 years 224 days ago

We do not prioritize between the platforms. Since the game's release every content arrived to console 2-3 months later due to various reasons but our console team works day and night to present both 2.0 and Prophecy to our PS4 and Xbox players in the shortest time in a well-polished state. 

5 years 225 days ago
Posted by Damaskinos 5 years 225 days ago
Im done with anything related to Big Ben, you people are fucking unbelievable, between this game and Chaosrape, I have never felt so second rate in all my life of doing business with a company. Console is always last last last and yest console is garbage but I am stuck here for the time being and I paid just like these PC guys did but even more then they did. Im tired of waiting, I cant play my game because why should I ? Its all being changed so until you release 2.0 I cant play this game. You fucking game devs are nothing but common thieves. 
Here's a idea Neocore, how bout you make the fucking PC rats wait till we are caught up ? Oh thats right they are the custoomers you care about not us console rats. I get it. 
5 years 225 days ago
Im done with anything related to Big Ben, you people are fucking unbelievable, between this game and Chaosrape, I have never felt so second rate in all my life of doing business with a company. Console is always last last last and yest console is garbage but I am stuck here for the time being and I paid just like these PC guys did but even more then they did. Im tired of waiting, I cant play my game because why should I ? Its all being changed so until you release 2.0 I cant play this game. You fucking game devs are nothing but common thieves. 
5 years 225 days ago
How do you get the 30% discount, since I already own the base game?
5 years 251 days ago
Thanks for the update!

Keep us posted as much as possible, we are checking diligently

5 years 252 days ago
Patch 2.0 will arrive in the autumn as our console team has to make numerous tests prior to its release. 

Maelstrom of Carnage will arrive  on the 12th of July according to our plans. 

5 years 253 days ago
Posted by xNYKONAx 5 years 253 days ago
Any chance of getting a touch more specific than "at a later date" for the 2.0 update on the consoles?

We don't have Maelstrom of Carnage in US/Canada let alone release info on 2.0

5 years 253 days ago
Any chance of getting a touch more specific than "at a later date" for the 2.0 update on the consoles?
5 years 257 days ago
Are there any updates for consoles? I own the pc and ps4 version but it's a lot easier for me to get new people to pick up the ps4 version.
5 years 275 days ago
The 2.0 patch will arrive later - the exact release date is not yet public. Make sure to follow us on our official platforms to get the latest news about the patch as well as the expansion!
5 years 276 days ago

So will the Patch 2.0  for consoles be on June 20? 

5 years 276 days ago
Same, update looks SICK! <3
5 years 276 days ago

I do and hope it is  a month for consoles - since they mentioned in a stream that they are/will increase the dev' team size <3 

5 years 276 days ago
Are we talking one month for consoles to get the patch, or months, like 3?
5 years 277 days ago

No Prob. I can wait, your doing a great job so far. I only got one question. Are there any New BOSSES within the current Dlc's?having a hard time with the HUNTER OF HUNTERS TROPHY. 

This comment was edited 5 years 277 days ago by BloodborneRage
5 years 281 days ago
@REDNAXEL‍ we are working along with Sony to restore the connection in the shortest time possible. We would like to ask your patience until then. I will notify you here once our servers are available again!
5 years 281 days ago
Can not connect to  servers  on ps4 for 2 days now

5 years 281 days ago
Can't connect to Neocore servers... I paid for it, you made me make an account, why? 
5 years 287 days ago

Hi, may we ask are you still getting the same error message now?

5 years 287 days ago
Why cant you just do what World of Warcraft did and have a weekly mandatory server maintaince and during those down times fix a few bugs each week. How hard is that?!?
5 years 287 days ago
The game said always... versionerror, please up to date the game. This new patch is instaled !!! Wtf... regards Bloodragnar 

5 years 288 days ago

just bring that patch game is buggy enough we work the all that too so do it we can test it and we help to make it better but all your delay brings nothing cause only you test it. The community needs to test it. You say the patch is cause of feedback of the community. whats about the feedback now ????

that its a damned shame to delay us 3 hours before release??? 

Just bring the ptach then we go on. Save the rest of your community!!! cause we all run away right now

5 years 288 days ago

You see neocore ?? you read all that ??? i know you read it but i wont help anything. The Art you work with your last bit of community is really hard. Thats a Shame that you read all that and do nothing!!!! Maybe you guys have so much money that it dont care what we all saying. Or maybe your just sitting on a high chair like kings ???  So a damn Shame what you do with the people that spending money for you and your familys that you can wokr and have a great day. A BIG SHAME!! i had so many fate in you!!!

5 years 288 days ago
If there's anything I can say positively about Neocore is they know how to alienaite their whole player base.

At first I was pissed when I heard they created a stand alone expansion for PC release before even getting the base game working on console. I should've know better after the mess the made with the Van Helsing bugs along all iterations.

Thank the Emporer that Chaosbane early access is Friday since these devs can't even figure out how to give me the actual DLCs I've paid for on conole. As for when/IF they ever port 2.0 and or Prophecy I'll wait til a sale or free to play.

They say lightning doesn't strike twice has never seen this lightning rod company

5 years 288 days ago
At this point I’m convinced NeocoreGames is run by Tzeentch. Far too many changes in dates, patches, bug fixes, etc. 
5 years 288 days ago

So too all the White Knights that keep saying "Take your time, I can wait for a finished product." First when has Neocore ever delivered a product that was on time and not full of bugs? Neocore delayed the base game and it was still a buggy and underwhelming. And lets not forget that first they said that this update would come in Q1 and waited until the end of the Quarter to say it would be later "Soon TM" And now they waited until the day of release. And they give the weak excuse " The reason for the late announcement is that we had to discuss the new release dates with our partners and we didn't want to announce the re-scheduling without the new dates." But they knew that it would be delayed and typical Neocore style waited until that last minute to say anything. The facts are clear in 2 mo. the game they put out will still be buggy, underwhelming and over priced.

5 years 288 days ago

I bought this game about 2 months ago. I was warned about all the bugs but i love warhammer 40k. i get the game and find i cant even progress in campaign because of a bug that craahes the mission ever damn time. Then i heard the patch was being released early this week. Come to fibd out its weeks away at least. Im sorry, but you created a incredibly fun game, if it worked. If you gave accurate timelines most people would be reasonable and wait, but this last minute BS is the last straw. If this patch is not released by the end of this week im boycotting every neocore game and spreading the word. Get your shit together..

This comment was edited 5 years 288 days ago by PenDr4gon
5 years 288 days ago
They deleted my coment on the other thread so ill say it again. You have done this EVERY SINGLE TIME!! i cant think of 1 single time you have come through on a release date. Thats not even the problem, its ok. Bugs take time to fix. But doing it the day of release every damn time is increadably unprofesional. If i did that to a client who payed me money id be sacked. Chaos bane is released on the 4th, i hope you watch them carefully and learn. 
5 years 288 days ago
Dear devs, this is just very disappointing. Some of us have to plan their free time to play a game like this and this kind of last minute changes really frustrate a lot. I was ready to buy Prophecy, I have been grinding like mad during the last week just to be ready today with my lvl 80 crusader and now? I am just burned out and not even willing to play the game anymore... disappointing.
5 years 288 days ago
Seriously, your PR-department should have some heads on spikes by the end of the Day!

whoever comes to the idea to delay something ON RELEASE DAY!?
i took time off from work to be ready for 2.0 and now this....

i dont really expect an answer to this but you really fucked up this time -.-"

5 years 288 days ago

Completely agree. Better to have solid game rather than open test :). Lets hope additional time taken will leave us with Blessed by the Emperor game full of junk to be purged in his name!

5 years 288 days ago
Well - it would have been nice to know about the delay a little sooner than the release day, but it would be better to release a more polished, feature complete and a bug free 2.0 plus Prophecy - than a messy wreck.
5 years 288 days ago
As I have no interest in PoE or any Fantasy competitors, I would be glad to be even the only one to play Inquisitor Martyr, and I bet I won't be the only one. 
5 years 288 days ago
I can wait... do not deceive the Holy Inquisition and the Emperor. 
5 years 288 days ago
 With the new Path of Exile league coming june 7th no one gonna play this game, you had your chance and you let it go. GL HF.
5 years 288 days ago
Why did you announce something you had not ready yet? It is years that you are repeating the same error over and over again... 

Btw I agree that a serious patch that fixes bugs instead of introducing new ones is the most urgent thing... 

5 years 288 days ago
Full disapointment. If you lack the confidence in your product over and over again, how should willing gamers hold the line.

While for Prophecy i may have understanding, the patch 2.0 is soooooo long overdue that i have no words.

No cosmetic anything will be able to repair the reputation damage you guys just caused. even a flawed version would have been better than this fuckery.

5 years 288 days ago
Not cool guys, really not cool...