Morality: radical/puritan question


Need some answers.

1. Is it possible to earn morality points besides campagin?

2. During campagin, I mistakenly pick my decision radical, then other decision puritan, now im neutral which means my character is gmiped, shoud I delete my character and start over?  or there is other way to earn those points? In other words people got 10% warp damage , or 10% warp resist while im INFERIOR to others, and if there is really no way to fix this, i will be forced to delete character and start over, because being INFERIOR is bad thing :(   specialy in game with ladderboards,  also not to mention how new character will crush my morale to play after i invested 20hours in current character.   What shoud I do?

This post was edited 6 years 258 days ago by Tekut
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Morality: radical/puritan question
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6 years 258 days ago
Maybe they'll add some kind of respec item at some point as it will be possibly build defining. I picked radical for rp & the xeno weapons we'll get in future updates (I hope!) but the puritan path looks superior at first glance. I feel your pain, due to the nature of my job I can only play one char myself. Hopefully a dev or a player thats finished the campaign will be able to give you a better answer about your options.