Modify your appearance in Inquisitor - Martyr


Soon, you will be able to modify your appearance in Inquisitor - Martyr. What colours will you choose for your character?

This post was edited 6 years 63 days ago by Morzan
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Modify your appearance in Inquisitor - Martyr
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6 years 56 days ago

If that a the case i will me  pretty disappointed.   Not everyone wants to be a puritan.  Plus  color choices shouldnt matter  lore be damned.

6 years 58 days ago

Yeah purple is lore ok!

Loyalist Hawk Lords Chapter or Traitor Emperor's children.

6 years 58 days ago
I don't see pink :(
6 years 58 days ago

Awesome,i'm super stoked to hear this!  Been wondering if we'd be able to customize colours of gear;Definitely gonna go for blood-red maybe try to mix in some gold/brass.  

6 years 60 days ago
i don't see purples on that table.  Would like that  =)