Missing morality progress and void shard inventory item



I've recently encountered two issues I'm hoping someone can help me with:

  1. On my assassin Dusk, I completed a morality choice after completing the Drukhari quests, and confirmed that her Morality tab was unlocked and I could see 25 points on Puritan - however today when I checked, her Morality tab is once again grayed out?  Can someone please restore access?
  2. On another character I received 5 crimson void shards as part of a reward (weekly maybe?); however instead of being deposited into my shards tab, they appeared as an inventory stack item which I apparently can't do anything with except sell to vendor.  Can someone please move those into my shard tab, or let me know if this is something I can do myself?


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Missing morality progress and void shard inventory item
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3 years 30 days ago
Thank you sir!
3 years 33 days ago
Dusk's issue got forwarded to our devs, they will unlock the tab for you.

As for the shard issue, we compensated these 5 Crimson shards , they are in your stash now. Please delete the bugged shards.