Loot disappears from seasonal casket


Game is up to date, with all dlcs excluding Hierophant Class. Restarted few times. Nothing changes.

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Loot disappears from seasonal casket
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28 days ago

Thank You Very Very Much. Now I'm thrice richer, than I was before;), even without opening those lootbags:). Now I'm not even sure I want to open those three TEMP boxes. Those are treasure in itself, how many guys have such item in their inventory? I'm just kidding once again, I'll open all of it as soon as I do all that boring 'reality' stuff today. My customer service rating is 10/10. I Wish You The Best Neocore Games.

This comment was edited 28 days ago by q3a
28 days ago
Hi:) I added a bunch of intels, consumables, and a couple high-value lootbags to your higher-leveled character's inventory. Some of the items will have a placeholder icon on them reading 'TEMP'. This is only because I added them from our backend, instead of you picking them up in-game, but they should function just the same way. Sorry about the hassle! 
30 days ago
Wow, it's saturday, go the hell out of there to your family and friends! ;). Joke aside, thank you very much for such fast answer. I didn't had much there, maybe five intels, and other consumables, some shards and psalms. Low levels, I've just started whole adventure with your game anew, after asking for resetting my Inquisitor Martyr account. That was only two-three rows of items. I'm not a cheater, cheating is a sin against Omnissiah, so I would not lie about what I had there;). If you so kind to give me something to balance my TEMPORARY! disappointment, than I'm more than happy and ready to take that, as a token of friendship and respect man:). And if it's not a bug, let's just hope that this was only one time hiccup. The name of my account in Inquisitor Martyr is Maya Wu. Long Live And Prosper...
30 days ago

Hi! This is most likely due to an unfortunate momentary desync between any of the game servers, our backend system, and your end. I'm real sorry about the trouble. I won't be able to reset your stash JUST the way it was, I'll strive to come close to it however, and will try and compensate you for your losses with valuable lootbags. Do you seem to remember which types of shards and psalms you had, and how many of them? The easiest to replace are shards, psalms, intels, and consumables. Please also let me know what your in-game account name is! 

30 days ago
"Game is up to date" means 2.9.4d ;)