

So I know all about the weekly limit of collecting cortex fragments.

Mine has stopped dropping them for the last 20 missions.

Problem is I've only collected 193 this week. So what gives? I've even gone and done a campaign mission just now, then went back for two side missions, Black Legion hunt and Khorgan hunt. Zero cortex fragments. 

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3 years 109 days ago

You reached 67 in total? Yesterday was the first day of the week so you should get 200 more pieces once more. Let me know what you experienced after your last comment.

3 years 111 days ago
Cerberus Hades
Yeah and today I started at 3, got to 67 and now no more cortex fragments drop, after 10 missions. This is ridiculous. I budget my time for the games I play and then this. Whatever. Not that important, I'll just move on and finish the game and be done
3 years 115 days ago

200 max an week, sometime it glitches and doesn't give u the  full 200 , u have to wait till next week for new 200 

dumb shit ever limit of non sense

This comment was edited 3 years 115 days ago by Cerberus Hades
3 years 118 days ago
Maybe you accidentally deleted some Frags.