Is random Inoculator usage a bug?


Hi there, 

I have noticed my Inoculator activates itself randomly without any obvious purpose (no matter if my characters health is low or high). 

First time I noticed that was in a Hunt mission and I thought my VIP was using it but then I recognized this was happening in other missions, too. If this is meant to happen, I have no idea what makes it happen. 

It's kind of sad when I have no charges left, when I need them. 

(I hope this wasn't asked before, since I didn't find anything about that topic.)

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Is random Inoculator usage a bug?
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6 years 111 days ago

Soon as I use mine, I smash "RB" (XBone) a few times extra. Keeps it from undesired continued use.

6 years 111 days ago
Posted by Fledermauserl 6 years 115 days ago
I found pausing helpful, too when attack buttons stopped reacting. Will also try it on the Inoculator incident next time. Thanks for that hint!

Though, it seems to be a problem and not a perk/skill/whatever

I have the same issue and this helped by.  Because the moment that all buttons don’t respond anymore is really offend. The inoculator bug is now my all time problem. I changed the controller layout to a different because of a different bug. Now it don’t uses the inoculator, it uses the skill 4 on the RB (xBox) Button. It helps with pausing the game. Sometimes hit helps pusching the button again.
6 years 113 days ago
This happens to me all the time. I"ll be going into a hard fight and realize that the glitch has eaten up all my inoculator charges. Really annoying.
6 years 115 days ago
Posted by sinisterb00n 6 years 115 days ago
Never happened to me. Maybe your button is somewhat defect?
Really? We all got the same defect controller Button? Ithink it is 1 of 100 bugs. I like this game but sometimes i want to uninstall the game because of the bugs.
6 years 115 days ago
Posted by drakau 6 years 115 days ago
I have the same issue from time to time, it seems to coincide with occasions when it also won't let me change weapon set. I've found pausing and un-pausing fixes it most of the time.
I had it happen again to me. I tried pause/unpause and it stopped using them automatically.
6 years 115 days ago
I have thought about that as well, but in this case it should have happened to me several more time... 
6 years 115 days ago
Posted by drakau 6 years 115 days ago
I have the same issue from time to time, it seems to coincide with occasions when it also won't let me change weapon set. I've found pausing and un-pausing fixes it most of the time.
I found pausing helpful, too when attack buttons stopped reacting. Will also try it on the Inoculator incident next time. Thanks for that hint!

Though, it seems to be a problem and not a perk/skill/whatever

6 years 115 days ago
I've noticed this bug as well. Several times. I'll intentionally keep my finger away from the RB button to make sure I don't hit it, and it'll keep going once it starts till all the charges are emptied. 
6 years 115 days ago
Is R1 button assigned to Inoculator ? Becuase I have similar problem but I've change control scheme to advance so my R1 is responsible for skill. It looks like game trying to queue command which wasn't executed and then R1 is pressed every time is off cooldown. 

It happnes when some attack wasn't executed due terrain obstacle (assault armor jump or greataxe charge). 
6 years 115 days ago
Happened to a friend of mine yesterday while playing coop, i had no issue but his inoculator charges depleted for no reason, we thought of some enemy skill effect at first. We was playing both on Xbox One X.
6 years 115 days ago
I have the same issue from time to time, it seems to coincide with occasions when it also won't let me change weapon set. I've found pausing and un-pausing fixes it most of the time.
6 years 115 days ago
It actually happened to me on one mission. I didn't notice it happening until I glanced and saw I was down to one charge (not having used one myself yet). 

I then refilled the charges and then I saw it going down later.

This only happened once, but it wasn't a controller issue. I wish I took note of what mission it was. I played a couple more hours after and the issue didn't repeat.

At one point I thought maybe I had some auto use perk I didn't know about hah. 

6 years 115 days ago
Never happened to me. Maybe your button is somewhat defect?