Inventory major problem, HELP!


Most of the time, the loot I got during the mission disappear when I return to my ship.
And If I switch weapon during the mission with one newly acquired, my previous weapon is also affected by the bug.
I lost a arothech plasma cannon because of that...
And I cannot say that this whole thing is good for my capability of getting credits out of selling gears...
Probably lost over 200k of credits due to that.
So I'm broke and can't keep the good gear that drop, it need a urgent fix.
(I'm not sure, but I think the bug occur only when I gain a level during the mission. Which happen most mission since I'm only lvl 26...
Checking the 'how and when' the player inventory is saved to the server might be a good thing, maybe make a temporary Inventory content file on the local machine to be sure? I don't know...Something is clearly not going well at least.)

Thanks for the consideration, have a good fix time!!

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Inventory major problem, HELP!
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5 years 243 days ago
5 years 244 days ago
Well sadly, the problem is still there. Another mission ended with my loot vanished.
5 years 244 days ago
Well I think my last mission item's are back, can't totally be sure since it's been a while.

But I didn't got my archotech plasma canon back.
Well no big deal.

I will play and see if the trouble occur again, thanks for rapid fix :)
I really like the game and as a electronic technician, I know how it's hard to have a flawless code, the important things is to see that you guys are committed for improvement and I'm happy to see that it is the case!

For the ..., it is just a writing habit, I'm sorry  

5 years 245 days ago
We will release a patch within an hour which will fix the item loss issue and your items should be back, please check on it after the patch released.