Inferno Bug part II


Hi There and sorry for the bad english.

I found one more bug on the inferno spell. i use the "Retrograde Psychic Dominion" perk and i have the same damage ammount with 0 warp heat and with maximum warpheat. see on Screenshot and testet on the same enemy (i deal everytime 13 damage on it).

Here see the Perk:

And here we starting with 0 Warpheat:

And making 13 damage, see here:

Than i boosting my warp heat to near maximum seen here:

And cast inferno again with that warp heat and we have again 13 damage on the same enemy, see Here:

Thanks, Your Bolt Thrower.

This post was edited 6 years 62 days ago by Van Bolt Thrower
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Inferno Bug part II
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6 years 61 days ago
Thank you for the report, we will check on the perk and skill combination!