I want to point out a few things.


Mods forgive me, but it must be said.

In light of the ASTOUNDING amount of self-serving, pedantic, arrogant, petulant, and overall negative commentary in regards to the state of the game and the developers in general-

1. Noone cares about your feelings. Feelings are based in emotion, and no matter how much you REEEEEE about whatever it is, your emotions will not change facts. 

2. Blaming the developers for issues with the publishers is a logical fallacy.

3. Calling the developers liars for not telling you more than they can, or what you want to hear, is a logical fallacy. They have been exceedingly transparent throughout this whole process. And continue to be.

4. You are not an expert, thinking you are is a logical fallacy.

5. Common sense will take you far in life. Think things through before you say them. Admit when you are wrong. Or to put this point shortly, act like an adult.

6. For the love of the Emperor, just because the game has bugs does not mean it is unplayable or will not be ready for release. They are consistently and aggressively patching, and even AAA blockbuster games have bugs, quite frequently. Neocore is listening, they are proactively fixing known issues. Compare that to almost every one of the big developers, and they do not much care and that bug is likely to be there forever. This is a small team that is involved with the community, relax. 

7. You are not an expert.

8. Stop overreacting to every tiny issue or occurence. 



I get it. You want a good game. I do too. We all do. But putting the kind of pressure that this overwhelming, seeping, toxic negativity presents is bad for the community, bad for the developers, and therefore bad for the game. Nothing good has ever come of it, and nothing good ever will. They are already doing their best. They need more positive support, not a loss of it. 

Calm down, and for the Emperors' sake show some respect for the effort being put into this experience.

There is only the Emperor, He is our Shield and Protector.

This post was edited 6 years 270 days ago by ChapterLibrarianSarpedon
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I want to point out a few things.
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6 years 256 days ago
Posted by Dallaen 6 years 262 days ago
and yet...here we are.  Can't even play Coop and a game that is riddled with bugs and bad game play developer decisions.  Seriously i mean really why is there no run and gun in this game???
Many of the current issues are sporadic at worst. Some people have them, some of the time. That says that it is not necessarily a game code issue, and also makes it more difficult to track down and fix.

Just because a game does not support your particular style of gameplay does not mean it is a bad game. This is not Diablo.

Not everyone wants to just flash through every level. If you want that, play Warframe.

To add to that, the very root of Warhammer is tactical combat, not slicing and dicing like some whimsical god of combat with nary a care in the world. 

It is a mildly odd choice, but there is nothing wrong with it.

6 years 261 days ago
There's not much I can add to Sarpedons' post, outside of... Well said Brother! I personally support Neocore and their efforts to bring the community one of the best WH40K translations to date to our PCs', after the last year of Alpha and watching how far it's all come, I have NO doubt whatsoever that all issues will be remedied with time. Neocore has a good history of continued support for their software, and will undoubtedly fix the issues that exist. For the record, I'm enjoying the game post-launch despite the small, and I stress SMALL, bumps in the road. The Emperor Protects!
6 years 262 days ago
and yet...here we are.  Can't even play Coop and a game that is riddled with bugs and bad game play developer decisions.  Seriously i mean really why is there no run and gun in this game???
6 years 262 days ago
Posted by Kadaeux 6 years 262 days ago

1: On Behalf of the Chaos Gods. He lies! Enough emotions CAN change reality. Ask the Eldar!

2: As bad as this sounds, in my experience the majority of petulant bitchers don't understand the difference between a developer and a publisher. 

3: There are a large number of entitled gits for whom the difference between a goal and a promise if nonexistent. 

4: To be fair. Some of us very well might be experts. For example, I consider myself well versed in 3d modelling. (However, they have done amazingly at that, balancing the needs of performance and detail exceptionally well.) 

5: Common sense, isn't. Telling people without it to use it is like telling a blind man to pick the blue window.

6: I've played the game since early beta. Are there some minor bugs? Sure. But anyone who says they've played a new game without bugs is a flat out liar.

7: See 4.

8: HOW DARE YOU! Overreacting is my Emperor given right. The right to execute anyone who takes a back step in my sightline. ... ;)

9: But how will Commoragh ever function in such a manner?

10: On behalf of Tzeentch. Everything always goes as planned. But the dice gods and chaos' plans are not not always the plans of men!

11: Not true. There is also Nurgle, Tzeentch, Khorne, Slaanesh, Malal, Gork, Mork, the pansie gods, the Star Gods, and above all.

The Dice Gods.

Even though I like you, I have to purge you because you are a filthy Chaos-filled heretic.
6 years 262 days ago

I've been on a mini-crusade this morning saying more or less some of the same things around various forums ( the Steam discussion board in particular is a cesspit of heresy and needs to be cleansed, immediately.  The sense of entitlement and sheer negativity I've been reading is astounding and frankly ignorant to how games even function. 

6 years 262 days ago
As a Star Citizen Backer I could just copy and paste your post in their forum. I feel with you, the game is so unplayable I had to play more than 180 hours all ready   ;)
6 years 262 days ago

1: On Behalf of the Chaos Gods. He lies! Enough emotions CAN change reality. Ask the Eldar!

2: As bad as this sounds, in my experience the majority of petulant bitchers don't understand the difference between a developer and a publisher. 

3: There are a large number of entitled gits for whom the difference between a goal and a promise if nonexistent. 

4: To be fair. Some of us very well might be experts. For example, I consider myself well versed in 3d modelling. (However, they have done amazingly at that, balancing the needs of performance and detail exceptionally well.) 

5: Common sense, isn't. Telling people without it to use it is like telling a blind man to pick the blue window.

6: I've played the game since early beta. Are there some minor bugs? Sure. But anyone who says they've played a new game without bugs is a flat out liar.

7: See 4.

8: HOW DARE YOU! Overreacting is my Emperor given right. The right to execute anyone who takes a back step in my sightline. ... ;)

9: But how will Commoragh ever function in such a manner?

10: On behalf of Tzeentch. Everything always goes as planned. But the dice gods and chaos' plans are not not always the plans of men!

11: Not true. There is also Nurgle, Tzeentch, Khorne, Slaanesh, Malal, Gork, Mork, the pansie gods, the Star Gods, and above all.

The Dice Gods.

6 years 264 days ago
Posted by leverance 6 years 267 days ago
nah m8 im not angry. also i didnt tell you to do xy i tried to explain that it wont work. it's not smoething i decided. it's just a fact. there is a difference. trust me there is ^^ 

but fair enough you can of course try to prevent people from doing what they want to do but like i said you most likely it will not work. but you can prove me wrong of course :)

Friend. Brother. You can clearly read what you said hahaha. But I digress that point.

You are right, I will probably not make much of a difference. I am only one man, with a fairly unpopular opinion. But that does not mean I should not try. 

There is plenty enough negativity and hatred in both the real world, and in the Warhammer world. Nowehere do we need more of it.

As fans of the univers, we have a responsibility to be mature and level-headed, because we represent a community, we represent Warhammer. We represent something greater than the individiuals within it.  

6 years 267 days ago
nah m8 im not angry. also i didnt tell you to do xy i tried to explain that it wont work. it's not smoething i decided. it's just a fact. there is a difference. trust me there is ^^ 

but fair enough you can of course try to prevent people from doing what they want to do but like i said you most likely it will not work. but you can prove me wrong of course :)

6 years 268 days ago
Posted by leverance 6 years 269 days ago

its kind of a german thing because we are used to very literal definition of words while english often is simplified. i believe often posts are regarded very serious because of our way of speaking.

that being said - i somewhat disagree to the op because it means censoring. if someone wants to rant like a child that person may chose to and who are you to tell someone to not state his opinion no matter how civilized as long as there is no physical violance involved a tolerant person has to accept it. either ignore or try to understand why there is a ( for you ) irrational behaviour and maybe try a discussion. granted - often nto possible but then you have to state your opinion and move on and not censor.

you can say however that people shouldnt whine that much or disagree with rants etc. but you may not tell people to do xy because most likely you did nothing to earn that privilege. 

Seriously, read you own words. Right there, the last bit about what I may or may not do.

I never said "You are not allowed to do this." I said that the over-the-top negativity needs to stop.

I assure you I am not offended by anything you or anyone else has said. I do not care. 

If I seem arrogant, ironic, hypocritical, or whatever else you may think of me, but that is what it takes to get people to stop acting like every bug, announcement, and change to the game is a personal affront, so be it.

6 years 268 days ago

"Ironic, you tell me I am censoring, and then proceed to tell me what I can or cannot say.."

no dude honestly. read again. no one is attacking you really it is a statement. i explicitly said you cannot DO tell people to shut up but you can say you can critique it.

the irony here is that you feel offended because someone said that you have no right to tell people what they want to say no matter how stupid said words might make you "feel".

instead of saying smth like "yeah i think xy" you go and say "people have to stop doing xy". don't you see the difference? it is eventually true that maybe no one is an expert but it is not require to post smth into a forum now is it? also people ranting ARE contributing. you decide to be ignorant towards other opinions that dont suit you or make you too angry but there is always insight. if someone goes up to van gogh and said "this picture sucks dude" most likely van gogh would have pondered upon why that person thought so to maybe produce more appealing art in future.

now with that being said i wish you a nice day and maybe think about this whole conversation. /cheers

6 years 269 days ago
A wonderful bit of irony.
6 years 269 days ago
Posted by ChapterLibrarianSarpedon 6 years 269 days ago

You have a valid point, some could be experts. Perhaps I am wrong.


99% of actual experts do not go around telling everyone how much of an expert they are. That is the height of arrogance. And if they are experts than why are they not working on their own projects in their own field, instead of acting like children on public forums? Or maybe contributing something that is actually useful or positive to the discussion? Or any other number of things they could be doing with their expertise?

Yes, I support the developers, because I have been paying attention and they are involved with the community, working very hard on something that most people cannot do, for a mostly ungrateful crowd of petulant naysayers that are so focused on the clouds overhead they have forgotten about the sun behind them.

So, speculate about my purpose as you will. It matters not a bit to me.

That's a lot of assumptions, and a lot of hypocrisy,

you call people arrogant, but what you say is blatant arrogance at its best.

But you are right in one point, "it matters not", if you are a misguided fanatic supporter, trolling or just attention whoring, the result is all the same.

6 years 269 days ago

You have a valid point, some could be experts. Perhaps I am wrong.


99% of actual experts do not go around telling everyone how much of an expert they are. That is the height of arrogance. And if they are experts than why are they not working on their own projects in their own field, instead of acting like children on public forums? Or maybe contributing something that is actually useful or positive to the discussion? Or any other number of things they could be doing with their expertise?

Yes, I support the developers, because I have been paying attention and they are involved with the community, working very hard on something that most people cannot do, for a mostly ungrateful crowd of petulant naysayers that are so focused on the clouds overhead they have forgotten about the sun behind them.

So, speculate about my purpose as you will. It matters not a bit to me.

6 years 269 days ago
So you are sure that NONE of the forum members is an expert on anything?!?! o.O

Sounds like pretty mean attention whoring/trolling under the pretense of dev-fanboi-ing...

6 years 269 days ago
I am not a part of the Steam community as I am a console player, but I have heard tales of it being quite... Exciting.

I am not saying that those people do not have valid concerns, they often do. But, as you said- It is all in the presentation. If you present your issue sounding like an enraged, hyperactive, 5 year old.. Well, noone is likely to take your concern very seriously.

It is far more constructive to lay out your concerns in a calm, logical, respectful manner. Generally speaking, people are taken more serious that way and it actually opens the door for a discussion about the issue.

6 years 269 days ago
Posted by leverance 6 years 269 days ago

its kind of a german thing because we are used to very literal definition of words while english often is simplified. i believe often posts are regarded very serious because of our way of speaking.

that being said - i somewhat disagree to the op because it means censoring. if someone wants to rant like a child that person may chose to and who are you to tell someone to not state his opinion no matter how civilized as long as there is no physical violance involved a tolerant person has to accept it. either ignore or try to understand why there is a ( for you ) irrational behaviour and maybe try a discussion. granted - often nto possible but then you have to state your opinion and move on and not censor.

you can say however that people shouldnt whine that much or disagree with rants etc. but you may not tell people to do xy because most likely you did nothing to earn that privilege. 

Ironic, you tell me I am censoring, and then proceed to tell me what I can or cannot say..

Regardless of that, my point is exactly that- the kinds of things I have read were absolutely not coherent or civilized, and added absolutely no value to the conversation and therefore serve no purpose but to spread negativity and animosity. Th

I completely and fully support debate and discussion. 

I do not, however, support inane and irrational ramblings based on an emotional response, that have either nothing to do with the original subject or are wildly disrespectful and/or ignorant.

If I am "censoring" because I see no purpose in willfully bypassing respectful, logical conversation based on your injured feelings, so be it. 

As I said in a different comment, there is a right way and a wrong way to air your concerns and opinions. 

6 years 269 days ago
It depends on the topic and the art of presentation :D. There were some people in the steam discussion that simply made up things, spread missinformation and talk stupid stuff. That's the only thing i realy dislike so far, the mindless rants ar at least amusing.

I'm happy if there at least some informations in the post why someone is salty and I try to work with that because most times you can find something in there why they rant. 

6 years 269 days ago
Posted by Irrelewahnt 6 years 269 days ago
Take me for one point ^^. I'm a totaly chilled dude with no intent to wine or bitch about anything... far to much wasted energy ^^. But then again I'm no native english speaking person and my ability to speak proper english was drowned in to much drinks over the years ^^.

Sometimes people start to argue about stuff i wrote and I start to ask myself "what have I done?" ^^. So much drama results in the inability of foreign persons english knowledge. If you are arround other games like WoW for example you mostly hear wineing and if you pickup phrases you automaticly sound like a bonobo.

I always imagine that people want nothing negative and "speak" in amild voice with a smile on theire lips and only the best intensions ^^. Additonally I think tolerance go both ways not only towards topics I like and identify with but the negativity and saltyness too. I think nearly everyone has the best intents but not always the best.... skills ^^.

its kind of a german thing because we are used to very literal definition of words while english often is simplified. i believe often posts are regarded very serious because of our way of speaking.

that being said - i somewhat disagree to the op because it means censoring. if someone wants to rant like a child that person may chose to and who are you to tell someone to not state his opinion no matter how civilized as long as there is no physical violance involved a tolerant person has to accept it. either ignore or try to understand why there is a ( for you ) irrational behaviour and maybe try a discussion. granted - often nto possible but then you have to state your opinion and move on and not censor.

you can say however that people shouldnt whine that much or disagree with rants etc. but you may not tell people to do xy because most likely you did nothing to earn that privilege. 

6 years 269 days ago
Take me for one point ^^. I'm a totaly chilled dude with no intent to wine or bitch about anything... far to much wasted energy ^^. But then again I'm no native english speaking person and my ability to speak proper english was drowned in to much drinks over the years ^^.

Sometimes people start to argue about stuff i wrote and I start to ask myself "what have I done?" ^^. So much drama results in the inability of foreign persons english knowledge. If you are arround other games like WoW for example you mostly hear wineing and if you pickup phrases you automaticly sound like a bonobo.

I always imagine that people want nothing negative and "speak" in amild voice with a smile on theire lips and only the best intensions ^^. Additonally I think tolerance go both ways not only towards topics I like and identify with but the negativity and saltyness too. I think nearly everyone has the best intents but not always the best.... skills ^^.

6 years 269 days ago
Posted by Irrelewahnt 6 years 269 days ago
You feel it was? FALLACY!

Haters gone hate it's sad but that's the way sadly. Nice writeup even when I think it's a bit strict and onesided in the OP.

HA! Well played.

A bit strict and one-sided? How so? There are ways to say what you need to without whining and bitching. There are ways to say what you need to without being a hateful, elitist know-it-all. 

If you cannot act and speak like an adult, there is no reason for anyone to lend credence to your words. 

This is not a high school, it is supposed to be a community of people who have come together in support of a project to expand the lore and universe we know and love. Not in spite of it.

There ARE a set of rules. Nothing I said goes counter to them, aside from the post itself, which could technically be considered a rant I suppose. Whereas the majority of the things I see people say goes against the general rules of being in public at all.

I mean, this is little kid stuff. Do not call names. Treat others the way you want to be treated. Do not act like you know everything. I have two children, ages 2 & 3, that are better behaved and speak with more clarity and respect than some of the members here. That is crazy.

6 years 269 days ago
You feel it was? FALLACY!

Haters gone hate it's sad but that's the way sadly. Nice writeup even when I think it's a bit strict and onesided in the OP.

6 years 270 days ago
Sadly, I will have to wait for the console release.

I understand that no matter what, there will always be complaints. I recognize that, it is just how people are. 

But I am intensely disappointed by the community for this game at large, few places have I seen such an incredible level of toxic negativity.

If we were in the universe that these people love so much(else why be here and why be so upset about things), there would be a purge.

6 years 270 days ago
I am a console player, and while yes, I wish it had not been pushed back, I recognize that it was for the betterment of the game and so cannot fathom the negativity.

As far as whether or not a post was necessary, I feel it was. Yes, these things have been said in the comments, a lot of the time by me. But I wanted to address the community as a whole.

At any rate, I am very excited for the release and the dev team has my full support!

6 years 270 days ago
Very well written. *thumbsup*

For quite some time now, I am pretty sure, that Inquisitor will not receive such a good feedback from the community. Many people expect a Diablo in space with laser cannons and Power Armour and that is not what they are going to get and they will vent their frustration everywhere.

There will be even more demands for playable Eldar, Tau, Space Marines, Dreadnought and many other stupid stuff like that. they will cry about the weapons, about the armour, about loot and sets and skill trees and why they cannot change their equipment during missions and why they are horribly dying after jumping in a big pack of enemies and....... The gameplay will cause even more ripples, because "Diablo is so much better".

It's quite sad, because I think Inquisitor is a great and unique game and it catches the feel and style of the Warhammer universe. Especially after the bright and colorful disaster called Dawn of War 3, I am happy to have a 40k game that shows the grim dark future. Because there is no other game with this setting on the horizon for the forseeable future, after they cancelled Dark Millenium online and after they messed up Eternal Crusade.

I am really excited about the release next week and I can't wait to jump in and blow up some traitors. :)

6 years 270 days ago
What? Burn that Heretic!

Ok, joke aside. I get the point and i agree with you in most terms. 

I don't know if a whole post with some bold and capital letter is necessary, because a lot of ppl already said stuff like this in some of the threads that are flooded with negativity.

Anyway, i am not an console player, but i really can understand the disappointment from the console players.

Neocore was always very transparent and communicating, also using a lot of the feedback (a lot of stuff they changed massively was some part the wish of the community)

So if that push back means that the console version comes out 1 month later and they really "polish" it and using the bugs reports/feeback from the already released pc version and apply  that to the console (probably that means a huge day one patch for console).

At the end console players might be very happy with this product.

I have very much faith that even if the released version is not "perfect" (which game is perfect anyway) they will improve the game within the next weeks/months anyway

Greetings and may the Emperor save us from all the hate and toxicity!