HP regen modules


The HP regen perk on some relic modules seems to be bugged. Health doesn't regen at the rate it should be and instead the perk works at a much slower pace.

I put three such modules on my kataphron vanguard: 2 endurance and 1 forcefield modules. He ended up having 37392 HP; the modules themselves are supposed to regenerate HP by 24.6% in total each second - but all I get is 2111 HP per second, which is 5.6%.

If the regen stacks, HP regen should be 9198 HP/s. If they don't (I don't see why they wouldn't, but let's see), it should be around 3000 HP/s.

Something doesn't add up...

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HP regen modules
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3 years 66 days ago

Ok, something is definitely suspicious about this. I activated the '100% construct health' psalm doctrine and the vanguard now has 59619 health, but the regen remains 2111 HP/s - same as before with only 37392 health. It completely ignores the actual HP.

(On that note, 100% extra health with 37392 as base should result in 74784 health. If the game only takes into account vanguard's base health - again, I don't see why it should do that - then that is 21002 health => 42004 with the psalm doctrine. So this whole construct HP and HP regen seems very weird.)

This comment was edited 3 years 66 days ago by Lankester
3 years 67 days ago
Posted by Marcopolocs 3 years 67 days ago

These numbers sound massive. I don't think that our designers intended to have the HP regen stack in the first place. It would make the Kataphron Destroyer next to invulnerable. But I'm gonna forward the issue either way and they will have the last say in the matter.

Making my vanguard almost invulnerable was my goal, of course! Joking aside, I don't think there's anything wrong with those perks stacking if we use more than one module. If I have only one vanguard, I want to make it as tanky as I can - it keeps me and my destroyers alive. Even 2111 HP/s together with good damage reduction and resistances are more than enough for 99% of situations in +10 - +14 missions. There are some fights, however, where the vanguard will get destroyed even in a +10 mission, it happened to me a couple of times. Doing higher level missions (+15 and more) with some hazards combinations can be extremely damaging to the vanguard even after the recent TA overhaul.

However, all this does not really answer the question of weird HP regen numbers. If I have those 3 HP regen modules equipped, which one counts? 8%? 8.1%? 8.5%? None of those percentages corresponds to the 2111 HP regen. I think it would be helpful to have a clear indication in the modules description if their perks do not stack (or vice versa).

Similar issue happens with the 'up to 28% increased damage per debuff' on the target. This is a dps module perk and again it is not clear if this perk stacks. If yes, does it stack when equipped on the same construct? Does only one count per construct? Or perhaps this perk does not stack at all?

It honestly is very unclear how the interaction between these effects works when I equip more than one.

You guys should really consider making a training room or something, where we could test our builds. One for dps tests with a boss-level monster with billions of HP and one for tanking tests with a high damage mob aggroing the closest target. Add it among the priority assignments with selectable mission difficulty modifier, or as an interactable object on the bridge. There really is currently no reliable way to test builds in standard missions, there are too many variables at play.

3 years 67 days ago

These numbers sound massive. I don't think that our designers intended to have the HP regen stack in the first place. It would make the Kataphron Destroyer next to invulnerable. But I'm gonna forward the issue either way and they will have the last say in the matter.