HP on critical on power armor not available anymore?


So I have been playing for a long time... My favoutite relic enchant on the armor has been hp gained on crit hit. 

I have started a new crusader character and have a leftover armor in my bank with this enchant. It's level 60 only. 

Does this armor enchant drop still in 2.0? I saw a page listing possible enchants (looked like data from source files directly) and it seems it can't roll anymore on armor? I've seen it drop on melee and ranged weapons post2. 0, but not a single armor... 


This post was edited 5 years 100 days ago by Daedrael
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HP on critical on power armor not available anymore?
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5 years 83 days ago
Posted by Marcopolocs 5 years 84 days ago

I can agree on this, I will discuss the matter with our designers whether the range of the value of the HP can be increased to some extent so a higher number will roll onto the enchant. Not sure though it will get done as in case the values of the different enchantments would be too close to each other (even if the %-based does not roll onto other items than weapons) there would basically be no difference between the enchants.

I think it's OK to keep the "lesser" X HP per crit... Maybe bump it a bit, as the values aren't really exciting compared to stuff like enrage-related damage and crit enchants. And the point is also to allow such gear to be effective and let you use weapon enchants which boost damage. So it does need to be relatively good (what's the point of crap enchants to exist?). There's also one with X hp per active enraged token, but that thing is also rolling max 6hp/token (so same max value as the direct x hp per crit). 

It would be great if we could get the more powerful HP% per crit on something other than weapons - like morality armor relics which are very rare to find... Maybe with less % returned for balance. Something to aim for as a best-in-slot (BIS)... Or maybe introduce morality implants, inoculators, belts and purity seals that could roll such enchants with a smaller % returned... Very rare and potentially a BIS for certain gear combinations. Radical morality enchants could do % of crit damage (vampire drain), puritan morality enchants could do % of total health (healing). 

To give you an example... I have a purity seal, ancient relic, bleeding on every crit. That thing is amazing. I'm still hunting for a ilvl90 version (mine's ilvl79). For my crusader it's a BIS. Add the dot passive that slows bleeding enemies and I get a way to consistently put a debuff which boosts my damage (+x% against slowed and the direct +x% damage against bleeding). It's perfect synergy with the rest of the build and I have freedom for choosing my enchants. I have flexibility on my build and can hunt for the perfect combination according to my playstyle. 

By the way - thanks to the entire Neocore team! I'm having a blast! I did since day 1 of the game coming to PS4 :) You guys are awesome - keep up the great work! 

5 years 84 days ago

I can agree on this, I will discuss the matter with our designers whether the range of the value of the HP can be increased to some extent so a higher number will roll onto the enchant. Not sure though it will get done as in case the values of the different enchantments would be too close to each other (even if the %-based does not roll onto other items than weapons) there would basically be no difference between the enchants.

5 years 85 days ago
Posted by Marcopolocs 5 years 98 days ago
You can encounter this relic enchant on weapons, inoculators and implants but they do not roll onto armours. 
Seems there are two types of enchants now with hp on crit? There's the one on weapons which does HP% per crit (what I'm after) and the other one which is HP number on crit (which is a lot worse number-wise).

So the HP% per crit can only drop on weapons in 2.0? It's not available on any other item? If it's too powerful on regular relic non-weapons, maybe make it available on ancient or morality relics only? The HP number per crit is really not a good one in terms of value (I got 56 hp per crit on a signum... Which can't really compete with getting like 300 on crit on the % one). 
5 years 97 days ago
Posted by Marcopolocs 5 years 98 days ago
You can encounter this relic enchant on weapons, inoculators and implants but they do not roll onto armours. 

Thanks! I also saw there's an ancient relic signum with it? And implants too? Time to continue farming

5 years 98 days ago
You can encounter this relic enchant on weapons, inoculators and implants but they do not roll onto armours.