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- Hotfix for King Arthur: Knight's Tale - v0.0.4b | June 11
Hotfix for King Arthur: Knight's Tale - v0.0.4b | June 11
King Arthur Patch Notes
3 years 275 days ago
replied 3 years 265 days ago
Updates to King Arthur: Knight's Tale have been released. The updates will be applied automatically after your Steam client (in on-line mode) is restarted.
Fixed bugs
- Fixed various crash issues
- Fixed an issue where the game could freeze under special circumstances in the 'Bridge of Sorrow' campaign mission
- Fixed an issue in 'The Tale of Sir Yvain' mission, where after a crucial Hero died, the loading window got stuck in a loop and the Autosave option did not work properly
- Fixed an issue where undead, not yet triggered enemy units could block the attack of our ranged heroes
- Fixed an issue where sometimes two events could appear consecutively which requested the same Hero to take any action
- The Vanguard could not use its Hide ability if an undead enemy unit which was in reanimation state was close to them. This has been fixed
- Improved the general performance in the 'Bridge of Sorrow' campaign mission
- Removed the 'Left-click to use' message from those Potions which cannot be used outside of combat
- Fixed various strings and missing icons
- Various Buff and Debuff icons got updated
- Fixed the Vanguard's backstab cursor
- Fixed the conversation choice GUI align issue which caused by Morality symbols
This post was
3 years 160 days ago by
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Hotfix for King Arthur: Knight's Tale - v0.0.4b | June 11
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3 years 265 days ago
Thanks for the feedback. Our developers will analyze the received automatic crash reports and will handle the issue.
3 years 270 days ago
Unfortunately game is still CRASHING (on enemy turn) on the Bridge of Sorrow (map). Sometimes it is on first, sometimes it is on the fourth fight. Don`t know how many fights there are, because after 4 or 5 replays same map I have enough. By the way Sir Balin is awesome. Game (February release) never crashed for me before.
Set this current order state as My default.