Hotfix for Inquisitor - v2.9.3 | June 25


Updates to W40K: Inquisitor have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client (in on-line mode) is restarted.

Patch v2.9.3

Fixed bugs - online mode

  • Fixed an issue resulting in a crash for all co-op party members other than the host, when interacting with 'Guardsmen' NPCs, or when making a morality choice in campaign missions.
  • Fixed an issue where Passive points and passive trees got mixed up between party members in co-op upon a death of a player.
  • Fixed an issue where certain Heroic Deed-related achievements would unlock unnecessarily upon another player joining the player's co-op party.
  • Claiming cabal rewards will be possible again.

Fixed bugs - offline mode

  • Fixed an issue where attribute points got lost and/or the attribute point counter went into the negative.
  • Fixed relic enchantments' ability to get rolled off of certain items.
  • Captain Ragna van Wynter's shop will feature weapon items again.
  • Fixed an issue that made it possible to roll enchantments not relevant to the character's class.
  • Fixed a controller issue that made it possible to research Tech-Tree upgrades multiple times, potentially raising 'Tech-power' and bringing 'Fate' into the negative in the process.
  • Hardcore Void Crusades will only allow one life again from now on, instead of allowing multiple lives.
  • When removing a selected Tarot card raising the mission level, its effect will be removed as well, contrary to current behavior, where the raied mission level would stay intact.

New QoL

  • When being disconnected in co-op gameplay, an option to 'reconnect' to the party was introduced.

The Emperor protects!

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Hotfix for Inquisitor - v2.9.3 | June 25
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110 days ago
the skill point issue was not resolved on my char.  I still have 55 points supposedly assigned that cannot be reset.  
114 days ago
This comment was deleted 113 days ago by oeregharcos
114 days ago
This comment was deleted 113 days ago by oeregharcos
114 days ago

Just a quick clarification here. We need to abandon the current mission entirely. Then, by going through a few rounds of disconnecting and reconnecting, we can successfully set up a new multiplayer party. 

114 days ago

Hey there! I appreciate your team’s effort in resolving the “Guardsman” issue. However, it seems like we’ve run into a new challenge. When we try to set up a party for online multiplayer/co-op, we’re having trouble connecting to the mission. We get a message asking us to retry or cancel, but unfortunately, we cannot reconnect to the launched mission. Even after a game reboot, the issue persists. We have to disconnect and reconnect several times before we can successfully start an online multiplayer party.