Hotfix & a message from the Team



as some of you have reported, the recent backend transfer didn't go flawlessly. The server state we worked with during the transfer did not include the progress made on Sunday which unfortunately could not be recovered, despite our best efforts.

We would like to apologize for this experience and to make up for the losses, upon the next login you will be offered a gift as a token of our apology. Moreover, we are introducing a new Weekly Bonus that will last for two weeks and will grant the following effects:

+ 100% XP Bonus
+ 25% Influence Bonus
+ 25% Fate Bonus
+ 25% Loot Quality & Quantity Bonus

Our team will keep working on the reported problems and will also deal with the remaining performance issues in the upcoming period.

Patch v2.6.0b

Fixed bugs

  • Fixed the Warp Energy Redirection mastery for all psyker spells
  • Fixed various sound issues

The Emperor Protects.

This post was edited 2 years 180 days ago by Marcopolocs
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Hotfix & a message from the Team
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2 years 205 days ago


1. Every report submitted with an account+character name as well as a short description about the progression problem up till now has been handled. Please check your respective characters and let us know if you still have any issue with it (and share your account details so we can easily identify your account).

2. We collected several verbose log files which contain information about every action you take after launching the game. We use these to find the recently appeared connection problems. If you ran into such a problem lately in Inquisitor please share a log file with us so the chance to get your issue fixed faster will be higher.

How to send such a verbose log file: 

  • Right click on the game in  the Steam Library 
  • Hit Properties 
  • Click "Set Launch  Options" 
  • Enter "verbose_logging=1" WITHOUT the quote marks 
  • Click OK and start the game. Wait until you run into the connection error. Then close the game
  • Go to Documents/NeocoreGames/Warhammer Martyr/ and find a warhammer.txt
  • Send the txt to [email protected] along with a short description.

Thanks for everyone who will help us find the cause of these connection issues!

2 years 213 days ago
We getting the quest progress fix soon? Please? :)
2 years 213 days ago
"Unable to connect to servers" same as many other people. 
2 years 217 days ago
Yes, I have the same issue. Im stuck in  a mission and cant interact with the Tech Priest cause the ! symbol over his head...
2 years 219 days ago
Hey, glad to see the migration worked without much bigger issues (possibly bricking the entire data), but I have a question - is there a plan to fix the characters that have the campaign quests stuck? As I currently do (char name is seasonal - iamWARR), and currently I cannot continue any of the campaign quests. I double checked with a friend of mine with which we came back to enjoy the game again and he has the same issue. Any info would be nice as I am unsure if I should make a brand new char or expect for this to be fixed.