Holy enchantment mechanic


Got a holy greatsword from a void crusade reward with "Enemies explode on kill dealing +50% base damage and shocking enemies in AOE" enchantment, and I have some wild build ideas with it, but I need some clarification on how the mechanic works exactly.

First is the damage part, the wording confuses me a bit. Is it killing blow damage, or weapon base damage? And the +50% part... so I guess that means it's 150% damage?

The other question is the trigger order with the pslam doctrine that explodes shocked enemies, as obviously the trigger order can make a huge difference here. If the holy explosion trigger goes off first, it could start a chain reaction.

Giving up heal on crit from the regular relic Greatsword I rolled up would be tough, but not necessarily undoable.

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Holy enchantment mechanic
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4 years 233 days ago
Doh! I forgot about that! Oh well.
4 years 234 days ago
I am actually hunting for a holy heavy flamer with that mod, it enables you to use the same bonuses for heavy flamer and demolition armour, wich is normally physical :)
4 years 234 days ago
I know this is a few weeks old, but I just got a terrible holy weapon :(

First to answer your first question, as I understand it and I think I know the mechanics...

The damage is as you say, base +50%

Second question...

I am not positive as I don't have the gear to test, but I think that a chain reaction would occur regardless of order.

Now for my lamentation...

Just respecced my heavy gunner to heat damage and I get an awesome drop, a holy heavy flamethrower... Well, I thought it was awesome as I love flamethrowers and thought a holy one would be sick, right? The holy power was to turn all damage to heat damage 8O. How f'd up is that?

At least I could get 3 red mats out of it.
