Here goes 1st of before patch the fleam trower did not burn enemy now after patch the fleam trower purge them really good :) 

good job on that one caue of it i love it i was going to say some thing about it before but now its fix here is my BUG REPORT 

i dont know why no one notice this but the Heavy Fleam Trower can"t break any thing not the Drum Barrel or the Box or even dmg the enviorment you can keep trying to burn stuff but they just wont burn LOL Also the fleam can pass tru the your hiding spot and burn you i mean you can hide in back of a pose but any one with a fleam trower will just set you on fire even if you are taking cover behind a pose or box or what ever you are using for cover the fleam will just pass tru and Purge your Inqusitor then you will taste like chinken LOL  

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7 years 88 days ago

Agree 110%. They catered to the PvP crowd and ruined the game. I pray that won't happen here.

7 years 88 days ago

I didn't bring up BFG:A for a reason. It was great in the beta period, but the APM Starcraft crowd turned it into monobuild trash because "I don't understand how this strategy thing works, I just click stuff really fast cater to me please". No, really. I was far less than pleased, especially after pre-ordering several copies to play with friends. Actual 40k fans were being shouted down by "well I played Starcraft semi-professionally and..." posters, and for some inexplicable reason (maybe they thought BFG:A would become an esport contender?) they actually cowed to it and undid the glorious work they'd put forward in the first public build. It was heresy.

In no universe should Eldar ships be outrun by Ork vessels. EVER. Every faction became a meta-monobuild, it lost all of its variety, and the campaign became an unholy slog because they tied PvP and PvE stuff together. Starting missions (such as the Ork blockade) were impossible by the first post-beta build because ork players were upset that their Rokks were too slow, so they got buffed... chaos got buffed, etc etc, until the Imperial Navy was a useless puddle of fail. I was... disappointed, greatly.

But then, I stopped buying (though I still read) codices (GW drives me nuts, plural of codex is codices, not codexes) and rulebooks for 40k right around 4e because even pre-Ward they were heading in that monobuild, MUST TAKE UNIT direction and replacing skill with "the winner is the guy with the bigger wallet".

I don't have high expectations, not after games like Chaos Gate (in what world can a drug-addled cultist manage to headshot four space marines in a single turn with a laspistol from two hundred meters away?!), but I do expect them to at least honor the idea of allowing  the player's skill to shine through rather than more of the same must-take garbage that plagued the tabletop through The Wardian Heresy.

7 years 88 days ago

Don't forget Battlefleet Gothic: Armada and Sanctus Reach. The former translates the board game into a realtime strategy game, and the latter is another turnbased strategy game.

Then there is Legacy of Dorn which is a digital gamebook (choose your own adventure with rpg elements) for mobile and on steam.

This comment was edited 7 years 88 days ago by akathanam
7 years 88 days ago

Aside from the horrible divergences from lore, the Dawn of War series isn't bad (3 being the exception, someone needs to PURGE THE HERETIC CS GOTO FOR BACKFLIPPING TERMINATORS). Played in the right mindset, Space Marine is amusing, too--you're clearly taking SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE in it. Battle for Tallarn ain't bad in a mobile-game sorta way, and Armageddon is fairly good if you're up for the tabletop experience. The first Space Hulk was awesome, though Chaos Gate was traaaaash (that I still loved because oh god the corny acting). Even Fire Warrior was -almost- passable because of how silly it was. Deathwing is pretty good, other than a rocky launch (the entire story is written by the guy that has been writing Dark Angels lore since the beginning), and continues to receive updates... Plus, we're getting Necromunda from the same devs who put together Mordheim (which is ded 'ard but ded killy), so while there's a lot of trash (I'm looking at you, Space Wolf), we ARE seeing a lot of good show up.

So, I wouldn't say that there's only one good Warhammer game out there. I've definitely looked.

7 years 89 days ago

i would pose a video if you want but i will ask for the dav permision 1st before i do any thing. I dont want to make this game look bad or any thign i just want the game be perfect but i think even that is to much to ask so for since the only good warhammer game i can think of is warhammer 2. sister of battle

7 years 89 days ago

Yeah, the basic barrels and crates scattered around the level have been burning just fine for me, I swap from a plasma gun to the heavy flamer when nurgling-spam shows up, drop a puddle of promethium, and just lean on that trigger until everything is slow-roasted to perfection.

7 years 89 days ago

hmmm for real cause if it break barrels/creates then it should not by pass object LOL but the cover part i understand 

so if u use a fleam wepon on enemy that are hiding it should break barrels/creats and burn them at the same time 

7 years 89 days ago

Flamers bypassing cover is... not a bug. That's how flamethrowers are usually intended to work in games, how they actually work in the real world as well, they bypass cover by going up and over or around it. If you see a flamer mob, prioritize it.

The not-damaging-objects thing though, that's odd--that hasn't happened to me, I've been using the (revamped) heavy flamer for a couple hours and it breaks barrels/crates just fine.