GreatSword effects ( not working) xbox only


this flowing effects do not working while using (greatsword) (whirlwind skill) non effect come on debuff enemy's head 

non of this work been test for lest 3 days , all   seasonal) what an joke plz fix right away 

10.0% to 15.0% chance to create electric arcs on Melee Hit. The arcs hit the 6 additional enemies with 6.5 meters for 350% Base damage as Heat and Shock them.

  Season 3 Thunderbolt of Authority causes 5 stacks of Burn  ( seasonal)

Season 3 250.0% Damage Bonus for Thunderbolt of Authority, jumps to +2 additional targets( seasonal)

 Season 3 Thunderbolt of Authority gains a 350.0% Damage bonus against Elite, Villain, and Boss enemies ( seasonal)

Single target attacks deal area damage around the target on a One-hit kill

Inflict Bleeding on Critical Hit

  2.5% to 5.0% chance to deal double damage and gain HP equal to that amoun

 Random Vulnerability (Heat, Warp, Physical) to the target on Hit

10.0% to 15.0% chance to create electric arcs on Melee Hit. The arcs hit the 6 additional enemies with 6.5 meters for 350% Base damage as Heat and Shock them.

 Get 100.0% chance to stun on next attack on Kil

50.0% Damage Bonus when the Execution effect is active

  4.0% to 8.0% HP gained on Critical Hit

  HP and Suppression gained on Kill equal to +100% the killing blow's Damage

 5.0% to 8.0% of missing HP restored on a Daemon Kil

2.0% to 3.0% chance to trigger a Rosarius Force Field on Critical Hit

 Shock enemies on Critical Hi

 Slow enemies on Critical Hit

1.test on  boss nothing

2. test 110 to 115  lv

3. unholy cathedral

Side ( note) Concussive trauma doesnt work either on physical  hit..  

either..  doesnt come up on icon list when u hit them..

4.0% to 10.0% chance to cause Bleeding on Physical Skill Hit ( seasonal) 

4.0% to 10.0% chance to Poison on Physical Skill Hit( seasonal)

This post was edited 3 years 144 days ago by Cerberus Hades
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GreatSword effects ( not working) xbox only
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3 years 143 days ago
Thanks for the whole list, what a great test. We will check on the matter but I'm pretty sure if there is something wrong here, it doesn't get limited to the Xbox version.