Graphic & Other Bugs


I've got the "Neural Rewiring" upgrade, and the icon is fine at the start of the level, but when I start using innoculator, or get "exalted by murder" or a "kill-streak" then the "Neural Rewiring" icon is replaced by one of those icons for the remainder of the level.

Additionally on the level where you take Nathanael Grexus to meet the Trader Captains, the mission instructions tell you to destroy the Nurgle Pustules, yet when you get to the target locations they are clearly Warp Gates, and the bulk of the enemies on that level seem more like Khornate fanatics than pestilent Nurglites. Could be simply fixed by telling the player to destroy the Warp Gates instead of Nurgle Pustules... at least that would then allow them to prepare for the likely enemies etc.

Edit:-  Further Bugs found

When you get the message from Inquisitor Helena Goslar during your attempt to find Inquisitor Flavius Draken, whilst the on-screen text is the correct message, the audio is the audio track of her previous message when she talked to you about the van Wynter family.

I also think that there is an issue with Inquisitor Draken,  when you find him in his fortress and have to face the waves of chaos, even though I'm in "Story" mode, and have a higher power rating than the level, I cannot keep Draken alive - he keeps rushing into melee & his health doesn't regenerate... after failing twice I even tried playing the level with the "+50% Damage for 5 levels" consumable activated... sadly no matter how fast you kill the enemies you cannot stop him committing suicide by overwhelming melee first! You should make ALL NPCs regenerate health over time, and be sensible enough to "run & hide" whilst the "player character" deals with the hoards of chaos! Otherwise I cannot see a way to complete the level!

This post was edited 6 years 257 days ago by SgtHerbie
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Graphic & Other Bugs
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