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- Grafik Bug
Grafik Bug
Warhammer 40K Bug ReportHi there and sorry for the bad english :D
When i use the Spell "Witchfire" from the forcestaff than i have from time to time big grate holes in the ground.. okay okay holes and distruktion is grate in martyr but i think that is not that what they mean. take a look:
The good thing is: i dont fall into the holes :P
Thanks Your Bolt Thrower!
Video settings:
and this are my settings form the catalyst driver:
More edits: i play actualy the new DLC "Faith Undone" and here i have again the same grafik bugs with witchfire seen here. it was the second mission from the DLC i have one screenshot with the open map to see the location:
And here one more update. its making on the 3rd mission from the new DLC "Faith Undone" (an defence mission). with an missing texture after casting witchfire:
casting it..
and after the cast the missing texture
and here i have some incorect damage models. it looks like that the squeare is cutting exactly out.. and not that "splash" from the impact. only on an littel corner its looks correkt.
Here before the cast:
And after the cast.. see the 2 squares cutting out with withfire and the littel corner from an nearby square is with korrect damage modell
see here:

thanks a lot :)
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updatet on the 3rd mission from Faith Undone.
with incorekt damage modell and m,issing textures after casting witchfire
i Have the same grafik bug on the second mission from the new "faith undone" DLC.
screenshots updatet in the main vomment.
Thank you
I use an i5-4690K 3,5GHz CPU and an Radeon RX-480 on win 7 system
The Video settings from the game and the settings from the catalyst driver i updatet in themain comment.
There was an bug that looks very semilar to that one, that i for longer time postet (that one is know Fixed). found here :
that texture failor was only on the story mission. maybe that will help? you see the name of the mission in thefirst screenshot. but its the german name "kinder des verderbens" i dont know what is the englisch name for it. it was one the last mission from the main story, or that line after that.
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