Got hit by two item disappearance bugs: lost shards on unsocket, lost Psalms on storage


I just lost 3 of my scarce Empyrean Echo Shards when unsocketing them at Omicron Ark. I unsocketed one of them from an item and noticed it disappeared; I logged off and back into the character to try again, and lost the remaining 2 shards.

UPDATE: just relogged and happily the 3 Empyrean Echo Shards reappeared on a spot previously occupied by another object (no idea what happened to it, or if it got pushed to a different position).

This was just after a day or two ago, when I sent Galvanic and Terminus Psalms to my storage, where had a full (100) stack and a partial stack of those. When I checked, the full stacks had outright disappeared, as the storage had only kept the partial ones.

Now I'm paranoid and I don't know if I should unsocket/store anything. Your assistance is appreciated.

P.S.: I suspect the unsocket bug has to do with either checking the inventory on the unsocketing interface, or having "favorited" items on the last tabs.

This post was edited 54 days ago by Chacumbele
Store Page
53 days ago
if there any hidden lag between u and there server bye items ,  

best way if item then disappear logo  then logo out and logo in do do any more actions in between.

unsocket items  never been an issue  not sure that bug is.  and favorite or store . ood  bugs/