Fix asap xbox


1. Players disconnected  for game . Players can't join back when  dashboard . 

 2. Remove  the back  button to  an count down. Most player always forget to press the back button really pain in ass

3. Put an color symbol for the gear per season. How is the player supposed to know with items will have the re rolls u want.. . Massive failure.   

4. Matching should able start game whether or not ur look for an game.  Once 4 ppl fill it auto cancel macthmacthing.

5 . 4 ppl coop  . Sever had hard time keep ppl in lobby

6.  Why do u guys hideend patches.  ( u guys  have pacth seal of malleus.     Why . We  need the same 2 times . As seal.  Doesn't make sense.

7. Say u guys test thing I afraid tho are lies.  I WANT HELP U GUYS MAKE THIS GREAT . WE GOT WORK TOGETHER. 

8. Ppl keep asking question some answer I don't have cause u guys don't even have the answer.  

This post was edited 3 years 209 days ago by Cerberus Hades
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Fix asap xbox
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3 years 202 days ago
Posted by Brother Kundari 3 years 203 days ago
Ok, I may have completely misunderstood the entire thing you meant about re-rolls, Colour Symbols and Items.

No, there are no, absolutely NO Colour Symbols to differentiate a COMMON Archeotech Relic versus a Seasonal Archeotech Relic. They are BOTH the exact same Colour. To be able to actually see if it is a Seasonal Item, you NEED to actuially LOOK at the item. And NO, there are NO way whatsoever to be able to Re-roll a MAIN Attribute of a Seasonal Item since IT IS a Archeotech Relic, and NO, there is NO way possible to Re-roll Main Attributes on Items except for regular Relic Items. No, we are NOT talking about ALL the OTHER Attributes here, whether that is 5 or 3 or 4 or whatever. We are talking about THE MAIN ONE! And the MAIN Attribute you DO get on Seasonal Items IS UNIQUE. You do not get it anywhere else.

Personally when it comes to differntiate the difference between regular Archeotech Relics and SEASONAL Archeotech Relics, I really do not care about it, since I ALWAYS LOOK at the Items, and I also put ALL the Seasonal Items within the INVENTORY on my Deck within a specific Folder, where ALL my Seasonal Items is, and nothing else.

Putting a specific Colour Code on to THE specific Seasonal Items is something Neocore MAY can, and will do with future Seasons. Again, personally it is something I do not care much about if they do or do not. What I care about is whether I will have enough room for all my stuff I want to keep in the future of Seasons. Which I do believe I for the most part will, though. Because where to instantly find all my stashed Seasonal Specific Items, is no problem whatsoever for me.

And now I leave this thing to Marcos or whoever wants to take over with it. I hope I have understood it the correct way now, but, I do not totally believe I have. Anyway, this is the last thing I will write.

omfg dude i not talking about any Archeotech Relic / or ancient relic) 

lol warps items half them all trash . lol no wonder why u have so much issues in this game  form  the couldn't do 110 mission  psyker we all try help u. i   definitely need some game  help .

regular  RElic idk  how be more clear,  this only be roll on this specific item  lol 

he following Relic Enchants can only be rolled on weapons dropped during the Season of the Warpsurge:

50% of All Damage is Converted to Warp Damage

5-10% chance on hit : All strikes are guaranteed critical strikes for the next 3 seconds [8 seconds internal cooldown] this prove my point. (warp seasonal section)

3 years 203 days ago
Ok, I may have completely misunderstood the entire thing you meant about re-rolls, Colour Symbols and Items.

No, there are no, absolutely NO Colour Symbols to differentiate a COMMON Archeotech Relic versus a Seasonal Archeotech Relic. They are BOTH the exact same Colour. To be able to actually see if it is a Seasonal Item, you NEED to actuially LOOK at the item. And NO, there are NO way whatsoever to be able to Re-roll a MAIN Attribute of a Seasonal Item since IT IS a Archeotech Relic, and NO, there is NO way possible to Re-roll Main Attributes on Items except for regular Relic Items. No, we are NOT talking about ALL the OTHER Attributes here, whether that is 5 or 3 or 4 or whatever. We are talking about THE MAIN ONE! And the MAIN Attribute you DO get on Seasonal Items IS UNIQUE. You do not get it anywhere else.

Personally when it comes to differntiate the difference between regular Archeotech Relics and SEASONAL Archeotech Relics, I really do not care about it, since I ALWAYS LOOK at the Items, and I also put ALL the Seasonal Items within the INVENTORY on my Deck within a specific Folder, where ALL my Seasonal Items is, and nothing else.

Putting a specific Colour Code on to THE specific Seasonal Items is something Neocore MAY can, and will do with future Seasons. Again, personally it is something I do not care much about if they do or do not. What I care about is whether I will have enough room for all my stuff I want to keep in the future of Seasons. Which I do believe I for the most part will, though. Because where to instantly find all my stashed Seasonal Specific Items, is no problem whatsoever for me.

And now I leave this thing to Marcos or whoever wants to take over with it. I hope I have understood it the correct way now, but, I do not totally believe I have. Anyway, this is the last thing I will write.

3 years 204 days ago

u  shouldn't  defelinety speak to me  ( voice chat)  so i can help u understand builds ,items better of they can do and not  what u seem to having some issue about basic of game.

3 years 204 days ago
Posted by Brother Kundari 3 years 204 days ago
Yes, ok. You talk about the Orange Relic Items or GOLD as you say too.

The Orange Relic Items or GOLD actually is Ancient Relic. Ancient relics is something you always needs to Unlock, before you can fully use it as intended.

Ancient Relics is and have never been specifically Seasonal Items. Seasonal Items always has specific Seasonal Main Attributes which you only get within the specific Season that is running.

X% - X% Chance on Hit. All Hits are guaranteeed strikes for 3 seconds. This is a regular Attribute you can get on some other items as well.

I will this weekend actually check up on which items I may have that, that Attribute is on.

Some times I think it is nice to know that some MAIN Attributes is also possible to get on other Items as well, instead of just specific ones.

The only items you can actually re-roll MAIN Attributes on is regular Relics, and nothing else.

i haven't  spoken about ancient relics as there are 100% trash!!

The following Relic Enchants can only be rolled on weapons dropped during the Season of the Warpsurge:

50% of All Damage is Converted to Warp Damage

5-10% chance on hit : All strikes are guaranteed critical strikes for the next 3 seconds [8 seconds internal cooldown] this prove my point. (warp seasonal section)

u can r eroll all 6 stat on relic item,

The only items you can actually re-roll MAIN Attributes on is regular Relics, and nothing else( 100 %false)

u can r eroll all 6 stat on relic item, ( go here do some reading)

Some times I think it is nice to know that some MAIN Attributes is also possible to get on other Items as well, instead of just specific ones. (

3 years 204 days ago
Yes, ok. You talk about the Orange Relic Items or GOLD as you say too.

The Orange Relic Items or GOLD actually is Ancient Relic. Ancient relics is something you always needs to Unlock, before you can fully use it as intended.

Ancient Relics is and have never been specifically Seasonal Items. Seasonal Items always has specific Seasonal Main Attributes which you only get within the specific Season that is running.

X% - X% Chance on Hit. All Hits are guaranteeed strikes for 3 seconds. This is a regular Attribute you can get on some other items as well.

I will this weekend actually check up on which items I may have that, that Attribute is on.

Some times I think it is nice to know that some MAIN Attributes is also possible to get on other Items as well, instead of just specific ones.

The only items you can actually re-roll MAIN Attributes on is regular Relics, and nothing else.

3 years 204 days ago
Posted by Brother Kundari 3 years 204 days ago
You mean the actual MAIN (orange dot) Skill/Attribute on Items. On actual Seasonal Items.

And to re-roll these?

Well, no. You can´t reroll THE MAIN Attributes on Seasonal Items. Just as you can´t reroll MAIN Attributes on regular Archeotech Relics. Since Seasonal Items IS Archeotech Relics.

Maybe in the near future they may make available Seasonal Items as chance to drop as Ancient Relics as well. Perhaps even DaemonForged/Holy even. go  here an look at the re rolls

3 years 204 days ago
Posted by Marcopolocs 3 years 205 days ago

1. You cannot join back into a coop mission once you got disconnected? 

2. I'm not sure where does this occur. Could you please elaborate this?
4. There is no matchmaking, only lobbies to which you can joinso I'm not sure about this either.
5. "Sever had hard time keep ppl in lobby" You mean, players got kicked out of the lobby while on the Command Bridge?

Feel free to use your own language as it would might be easier for both you and us to communicate. 

1.2.when u party up with ppl  and u play,  they freeze sometimes in game crashes them. they can't join back till we finish the mission.

4. on xbox u can press (x) to recruitment once the lobby is full 4ppl it still try to (search) it should automatically  not searching .

5. dashboard them 100 percent of time when they crash, but doesnt matter how many ppl it does it most of time. (only when game is loading / in mission/ 

3 years 204 days ago
Brother Kundari

i am talking about the (orange relic item)  gold   like this one (  Season 2 5.0% to 10.0% chance on hit: All hits are guaranteed critical strikes for 3 seconds) can only applied to seasons 2 (warp)   there to be an way to tell which item it form u cant get that re roll on items like inferno seasonal, or after the season is over , the re roll isn't part of any list . it unique to each season. that i am same saying.

3 years 204 days ago
You mean the actual MAIN (orange dot) Skill/Attribute on Items. On actual Seasonal Items.

And to re-roll these?

Well, no. You can´t reroll THE MAIN Attributes on Seasonal Items. Just as you can´t reroll MAIN Attributes on regular Archeotech Relics. Since Seasonal Items IS Archeotech Relics.

Maybe in the near future they may make available Seasonal Items as chance to drop as Ancient Relics as well. Perhaps even DaemonForged/Holy even.

3 years 205 days ago

1. You cannot join back into a coop mission once you got disconnected? 

2. I'm not sure where does this occur. Could you please elaborate this?
4. There is no matchmaking, only lobbies to which you can joinso I'm not sure about this either.
5. "Sever had hard time keep ppl in lobby" You mean, players got kicked out of the lobby while on the Command Bridge?

Feel free to use your own language as it would might be easier for both you and us to communicate. 

3 years 207 days ago
Posted by Brother Kundari 3 years 207 days ago
No, no, no. This I know for sure. I seen it myself. There are an easy and  clearly to see difference between "regular" Relics and Season specific Items.

Season specific Items is even having their own Colour and Pattern. They are easy to spot as well. You can clearly see the difference on Season Items versus "regular" Items.

When I say own Colour and Pattern I mean when you are actually looking at the Item(s). You don´t neccessarily see Items in your Inventory and then you see specific Seasonal Items as such, if they are among many, many other items. You actually have to hover/click on them.

I know this . I an talking about thr re rolls . In the item ( God roll orange attributes). As an relic . U can get certain  one per season.  Go check the item viewer . U see there different  rolls per seasons. 

3 years 207 days ago
No, no, no. This I know for sure. I seen it myself. There are an easy and  clearly to see difference between "regular" Relics and Season specific Items.

Season specific Items is even having their own Colour and Pattern. They are easy to spot as well. You can clearly see the difference on Season Items versus "regular" Items.

When I say own Colour and Pattern I mean when you are actually looking at the Item(s). You don´t neccessarily see Items in your Inventory and then you see specific Seasonal Items as such, if they are among many, many other items. You actually have to hover/click on them.

3 years 207 days ago
Posted by Brother Kundari 3 years 207 days ago
#3: Seasonal items is already Coloured. Hover over them and you see the differences easily and which Season they belong to.

#7: I do believe Neocore is one of those Companies that actually do test out their produicts before release, and more so then many others companies.

Rest of the Questions should be up to some1 else to cover.

3. Once again u getting the systems confused.  Xbox doesn't have color on the items. I am look at relic item . It only orange   . Doesn't have it.  It an season item .  

7. Test on pc . Etc . But Xbox there some many problems.  

3 years 207 days ago
#3: Seasonal items is already Coloured. Hover over them and you see the differences easily and which Season they belong to.

#7: I do believe Neocore is one of those Companies that actually do test out their produicts before release, and more so then many others companies.

Rest of the Questions should be up to some1 else to cover.