Fate point loss at the creation of an Uther's Tarot session


Started an Uther's Tarot, the points were removed from my account, but the game did not start.
No notification, just the loss of 100 fate points.

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Fate point loss at the creation of an Uther's Tarot session
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6 years 239 days ago


Thanks for your answer.
You are right, I was able to find both of them. I had two times the bug : one directly after the creation, and the other 2-3 min after the start of the mission.

I was playing with a friend, and I said that he lost 100 points for the mission where we were kicked out. I can't confirm this.

This comment was edited 6 years 239 days ago by TrashPizza
6 years 239 days ago
Have you watched on the starmap? The Tarot missions are created where you were zoomed in on the starmap at the moment of creating the mission.

They should stay on the starmap till you played them.