

i play the crusader and i have the heroic deed to exekute 10 elite enemys, but i have nbo idea how the mechanik works. i have the x key for exekution yes, but i dont understand how it works. can any body help me? i have make 4 of them but i have no idea ho i made this :D

This post was edited 6 years 278 days ago by Van Bolt Thrower
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6 years 278 days ago
Just whack a mole elites with melee weapons = auto execution. Rince and repeate.
6 years 278 days ago
So far here's my experience on my assassin (haven't played crusader much so can't say about them):

1) have the execute stasis on a mob: usually larger mobs, and it seems to proc most steadily when I use an attack with a stun on it. I always melee, so can't say whether ranged get it or not. the icon looks like a small red skull

2) have the monster in said status when i get the killing blow: any blow, doesn't matter. When this happens, i get the nifty animation scene.

I still have yet to determine exactly what the execute hotkey is for. every time I press it, even with the execute stasis on a mob, it does nothing. But my killing blow always seems to. 

6 years 278 days ago
on hellbrutes it happens automaticly when you use a melee weapon

6 years 278 days ago
sometimes i yourning for the old times there i have an manual in my hand :D
6 years 278 days ago
but thats for the assassin right? what is for the crusader? the heroic deed is crusader only^^... an wiki for the game woud be an help for me... the fussion thing on the forge i dont understand too^^
6 years 278 days ago
I think a counter apears above the enemy und you have some seconds to push the x button. 
6 years 278 days ago

I'm not sure but I think the execution blow activates with a critical ending blow. I play assasin and I have 125 such blows.