Dlc access


I have ALL DLC available for this game as I purchased the complete upgrade pack. I know it is all installed. However in game it say that I cannot play cherybdis outpost mission as I do not have the dlc. As stated before I actually DO in fact have that dlc and it is installed. I am also unable to access the city of suffering as well. I am playing on Xbox one x.

This post was edited 4 years 280 days ago by Viper2021
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Dlc access
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4 years 279 days ago
What class do you try to launch the Charybdis DLC with? The Tech-Adept cannot yet access it but we are working on this, the changes will be implemented with one of the following patches.

Regarding the City of suffering: do you have the DLC installed properly? You cannot find it on the Starmap maybe?