Difficulty setting


When you start a Story mission you can choose between Story Mode or Challenge Mode,

On Challenge Mode you can choose between several Options that increase the PR for the Mission.

But, on ALL other missions(including Tarot) the "modifier" for the difficulty from you last played Story mission applies without any option to manually change it.

The only way to change it is to play another Story mission on a other difficulty, but then again those difficulty applies to all other missions.

This makes Tarot mission especially painfull, because they are either too high(Challenge mode Normal onwards) or to low(Story Mode)

I hope you can fix this asap

Store Page
Difficulty setting
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6 years 277 days ago
Yes this has definitely been fixed
6 years 277 days ago

Well they fixed it with the Hotfix on 6th of June anyway, gj Devs.

Lets hope for a nice patch before Weekend(or at least tomorrow) with some other major issue fixes and all will be fine C=

The Emperor protects!

6 years 279 days ago

Agreed.  I ended up creating a new character because I thought choosing "Story" at the start had broken it (not realizing exactly how 'easy' it'd set the game).  Didn't get the second character far enough to test, as I didn't feel like doing the tutorial missions again so late at night last night.

Would like to see this fixed soon.

6 years 279 days ago
Oh god yes, this has been very upsetting and frustrating, it would be awesome if this could be fixed!
6 years 279 days ago
Tarot missions are normaly on your PR if this is to hard... Or is it more like "last time in Story mode I played at 250+PR and now all my Tarot maps are at 250+PR as well!"?
6 years 279 days ago
Instead of clicking the arrow button try clicking the word area itself. The scroll should open and then you can choose the difficulty level. Of course, if easy is to hard to begin with you should try another mission.