DEVS...answer me this (regarding difficulty and recent nerfs)


Before the massive, utterly ridiculous and uncalled for nerfs (because not even 1% of players were high-level), the following things were true:

  • certain options (eg, enchants, perks, doctrines, items) allowed us to do the most difficult missions in the game (and so allowed some of us to have a certain sense of pride, despite not being rewarded at ALL for becoming the best that we can be, in-game)
  • we had to play quite a bit to create the optimized builds capable of easily doing the +14 missions
  • all in all, there was a point in playing the game (for us high-level players)

Now, after the massive nerfs, you have the following situation:

  • no good options left (except highly specific ones involving a big clusterf**k supreme that makes explosion on death mods good)
  • NO REASON TO PLAY anymore (for high-level players) because no matter how much we grind now, there are literally no good options available for us to dominate at the highest levels. This is a laughable situation for an ARPG to be in. An ARPG is ALL about the grind/loot.

Basically, the seasons patch reminds me of communism. Yeah, sure. You have levelled the playing field by making everything mediocre or shit. But now, the hardcore players have no reason to play (those that are grinding now will quit, there's nothing to chase anymore).

This is one of the worst patches I have ever seen. Logically speaking, what you did is utterly stupid. You removed the carrot from a game that, by definition, requires a carrot in order to function properly.

This post was edited 4 years 223 days ago by treecargarage
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DEVS...answer me this (regarding difficulty and recent nerfs)
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4 years 215 days ago
Brother Kundari
It's not just you. The scaling now seems to be completely off. I did a test VC run in my early 50's on my seasonal tech adept. The gear was just average levelling stuff with some ancient and arch relics (with a few doctrines on, though), I did not yet have any skill points in offensive trees (mostly trying to keep my constructs survive the fights) - so I wasn't expecting a particularly noteworthy run.

However spending 1 hour and 15 minutes in a +10 mission was not exactly what I expected either. It's not like it was a particular challenge (it's easy to just hide behind kastelans, kite mobs, refresh minions, etc.), it was just insanely slow. The health pool of the mobs (especially bosses), with their extra resistances and armour made it a horrible chore.

I have a feeling this bump in the HP of mobs at higher levels was not completely thought through. Especially the way it interacts with the various resistances, damage mitigation and other mob mechanics that are at play in these missions. And definitely not thought through when it comes to the various seasonal challenges. I wouldn't be surprised if the whole testing consisted in one dev creating an OP psyker, blasting through the missions and going 'yeah, this is fine, let's go live'.

4 years 215 days ago
Well, I don´t know about all this nerfing and derfing and whatnot, but I do have to ask myself and scratch my head a little bit, when I do an Intel Mission which is 6 Lvls higher then me, and doing it pretty decent/good, and then when I do a Mission that is exact same 6 Lvls higher but this time it is a Crusade Supreme Mission, both Missions is pretty much including the same mobs, but the Supreme Mission is way harder then the Intel Mission and some things are just weird and outright idiotic and almost insanely tough.

Is this sometimes true, or is it just me that is outright bad at this game? I genuinely start to wonder sometimes.

4 years 222 days ago

The only "good" thing left is any sort of explosion mod. Which is why I find it "funny" that the season gives an unfair advantage to players by offering them this:

"Explosion: 15% of all Normal and Horde type enemies explode when killed. This deals 30% of their maximum HP within a radius and an additional 10% of their maximum HP per second for 3 seconds in the same area."

However, any sort of explosion mod still sucks compared to real, consistent damage. A build that relies on explosions will be hacking away until the year 2021 at a villain/commander/elite.

Nerfcore drastically buffed enemies, drastically nerfed all the good stuff, and kept the shitty rewards the same. Genius!

PS. Thanks for the thumbs's a great indicator of truth. The soy boy/s be raging 24/7.

This comment was edited 4 years 222 days ago by treecargarage
4 years 222 days ago

I started reading your post, then fast forwarded through the rest once I realized what you were trying to say.

No offense, but I doubt you had a powerful Crusader before this patch.
It's not the DR that I care's the:

Damage vs 99s+ is 100% garbage. It now takes a year to take down something as relatively insignificant as a turret.
Also, read my post again. There IS no tweaking/modifying to be had. There are ZERO options left. That was the entire point of my post...

PS. 3-shot has virtually the same damage now as it did before the patch. It was bugged...the -30% crit was a big nerf to it.
PPS. Upload a vid of your Sader doing a 99% mission...hell, it doesn't even need to have modifiers. Then you can talk as if the nerf didn't murder almost everything powerful (ie, everything worth playing for, in one way or another).

This comment was edited 4 years 222 days ago by treecargarage
4 years 223 days ago
I've got over 700 hours in the game, almost all of that in Crusaders as I just like the,m over the other classes.

The nerf to our armour sucked and I raged hard just like everyone else first anyway.

The season patch screwed up a lot of things, the game has had major bug issues almost daily and whilst the devs have addressed most of them, the issues with lag and stutter stepping that keep emerging that will end a void crusade attempt because you have 2 to 3 seconds of lag on any of youir characters skills triggering and say burst fire ona shotgun taking a second sometimes 2 between each of the 5 shots instead of about 2 seconds to do all 5, these are the issues that ACTUALLY matter.

To builds being nerfed,

Yes, some got nerfed, but many didn't or adapted with minor tweaks.

My main non-season Crusader (Radical, because, they are better - unpopular opinion but hey 700 hours) actually got stronger. The triple shot nerf so many complained about gave us a fdlat 150% damage increase for each solid projectile shot you fired, and wow, you lose 30% crit chance, crit chance gain was never an issue because of mechanics that difddn't change and item enchants that also didn't change such as crit chance per enrage token,c rit chance and crit strength per vberserk token, +critc hance when hit by an attack, etc etc. So whilst you'd get a few less crits, overall you are now doing more damage because your criyt hits that land have a larger base to build off of.

Shock explosion, enemies exploding on death or and enemies exploding on stuin death etc builds were popular pre nerf, just because a chunk of vocal players are suddenly findinhg that theyc an't step back and innovate their builds to compensate and add new challenges doesn't mean that these AoE builds are broken and need nerfing or changing. Theyw ere just as strong before the patch as they are now, it's just that less people were using them.

To damage Reduction nerf on Crusader Armour - yes, the DR nerf hurt. The health addition to armour doesn't make up for the DR loss as the DR has a greater over time effect 6then abunch of health does...until you start pushing how far that extra health can get you, and combining with the +% Health stats available oin many items, you can feasiblly push 15,000 HP if you co0ncentrate your build and then existing enchants that people overlooked are suddenly quite powerful. Try %Health gain on crit ona  heavy Bolter or Autogun or other rapid firing weapon. The bigger your health pool, the more HP is getting refunded off a crit, and youc an sustain surprisinglyw ell even with lower DR and resistances.

Even then, what the DR nerf has made us do is look hatrd at the skills trees, look at the varying psalm codes and shards and look at them individually as opposed to just as doctrines. A single Shroud Psalm added to your load out givs 5% damage reduction for 2 seconds on hit taken. It doesn't stack but it's a whole 5% DR which adds up fast. A hermeticon pslam gives 3% damage reduction on kill, whoever took these solo before the patch? Not many. Why? Because maxing DR and all resistances as Crusader was easy. Now, you have to think about it more. Now you aren't necessarily prioritising just damage enchants on your gear instead you are prioritising damage reduction and all resistances so as youc an push the higher tiers.

The suppression nerf, heck, I wasn't using it pre patch for more then 20 hours of gameplay. This season on a puritan crusader run I am and the 50% suppressiond amage resist combined with an addition 50% max suppression, is, by itself pretty solid. But then, you combine it with Vanquisher of the Vile perk so when killing medium and above enemies you not only have beend ealing 50% bonus suppression damage, but on kill 6you are restoring 50% of your suppression bar. Your protected status rarely moves, even at the +8 and above level of gameplay. Instead of looking at what otehr perks are out there and what enchants and abilities could be used to make the characters as viable if not more then previously, people have just whinged and complained instead.

I'd argue that alot of the enchants they added seemingly to make up for nerfs applied (all these get suppression at an increased rate when in suppression yellow or red state for example) are not needed and instead make it harder for us to roll up the enchants we want. Making the game more expensive resource wise to craft the builds we want is a major convccern.

The bug where the ordos shops had twice the inventory was the best damn bug to emerge alls eason - because if you had a day where the blueprints were all ones you knew normally, there were still 3 more available. Heck, they changed it back to what itw as before arguing that itw as too much for players, but 3 red blue prints and 3 red caches is 90 fate, doubling that is 180 fate, that's still 18 missions,a nd if you aren't playinga class or build that speed runs missions in the blink of an eye, then it's taking more then a day to get that fate through normal grinding or a significant amount of extra playing time to do that. I don'ts ee a problem here - if people are playing the game more to buy stuff from the Ordos, isn't this what neocore wants?  I'd lovbe tos ee them change the ordos shops such that archeotech relic blueprints that appear are only ones you do not already own. This would solve alot of the frustrations in the endgame waitinga nd waiting and waiting for a blueprint you don't have you want and praying it is an enhanced version. They could of course just remove non-enhanced versions of the blueprints and make only enhanced versions available, this too would do wonders for players. BuT I seriously doubt theyw ill do that.

Another ACTUAL ISSUE is storage space.

The best answer we've goit is that teh devs are discussing a place where all our shards and psalms can be stored. Lets be real here, that';s gonna be a page and a half maybe 2 max, and leave us with a page and a half of extra shared storage space. I have 10 characters now. Every single one except the 1 seasonal I am focused on and my main non seasonal are gear and item caddies in effect. I simply cannot fathom why teh devs can't just give us an extra 10 to 20 storage pages for our shared stash. They have hundreds of unique enhanctments and we have space for several dozen at best. That's truly ludicrous, especially when so many people are wanting the extra space so all their items are in one place and youc an mess with builds far easier that way. Multiple people have cracked threads here and on reddit asking for extra storage space pages in the shared cache at least 10 preferably more and we wouyld PAY FOR THEM. There's increasing numbers of people saying this yet the devs just ignore it. They're not making more money off their existing player base and when that player base wants somethinga s simple as extra storage pages for their items and are willing to pay more money to support the company and the game but all they can bring out is rumour sthat they are going to make a space for psalms and shards...that's a load of crock. Just give us extra storage pages already, we want to play other characters not have them stooring items for builds we want to mess with in the future.

The final one, again it's not the patch per se, it's a simple one:

Make the star map generate missions up to and including level 110 missions. thatw ay with intel we can have up to level 113 missions (which some fo us enjoy trying to beat and beat in decent clear times). No need for tarot cards, the existing ones that change mission levels can stay as they are, they bringe xtra bonuses to those regions of missions after all, but a simple change in attitude to allow star map missions to go up to level 110 would solve all the major issues of the gameplay for endgame. Buyt again, the devs refguse to listen to teh community for stupid unknowable reasons. It's one of the simplest fixes and changes, and yet, no dice. This is the bs that frustrates us as endgame players. To achieve this sort of challenge we nee dto do multiplayer and use a low levelc haracter to generate intels or missions for us as the mnissions scale off the leader so doinga  +18 difficulty mission and seeing that it takes yuou half an hour to kill a plague ogryn and a sorcerer and thatw as just the first room, well then. Endgame at its' finest. Butw e should be able to just generate that off the star maps.

The patch nerfs didn't screw endgame. You just have tor eassess and rebuild. We're back to full damage reduction and all resistances on our crusaders and we have other builds we didn't think about before as well as existing ones still working just fine, some of them even incorporate the new ancient relics too. I'm an endgame player, and I avoid crusades and priority missions a smuch as I can because theya re fixed in stone or all the same damned mission ina row. The patch I actual;ly find helpful and a healthy advance for the game. The devs listened to many things like xp increases, loot quality and quantity etc, but in other areas, just have stubbornly refused to let the community have what it wants.