Constant crashes


Game crashes on kill or open inventory in every mission.

Open issue at

Attached crashdump.dmp,  log and WARHAMMER files. What other information should be provided?

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Constant crashes
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4 years 152 days ago
And thx for your very quick answer, here and via E-Mail, and that you are working on it. Great support!
4 years 153 days ago
We found the cause and are discussing the possibility of a hotfix now. Thanks for your input it helped a lot!
4 years 154 days ago

thx for the input. I just did as you requested and sent out the verbose log file and the normal log file to the support E-Mail address.

I was able to narrow it a bit down: I play the game (I have Martyr, Prophecy and all DLCs) via Steam on my PC and had no issues using a controller until the newest update. Since than whenever I try to open the journal while using the controller the game insta-crashes. If I do the same with K&M I can open the Journal. Checking game integrity and reinstalling the game did not help.

Hope this input and the log-files will help you figure out what the root cause is.

4 years 154 days ago

Please do so as until now our internal tests did not reveal such a problem. Please do the following:


  • Right click on the game in  the Steam Library 
  • Hit Properties 
  • Click "Set Launch Options" 
  • Enter "verbose_logging=1" WITHOUT the quote marks like this: 
  • Click OK and start the game. Wait until the game crashes
  • Go to Documents/NeocoreGames/Warhammer Martyr/ and find a warhammer.txt
  • Please send it to [email protected]

Thank you in advance!

4 years 159 days ago
I have exactly the same issue(s) since the newest update. Had no issues whatsoever beforehand (running it via Steam). A quick fix would be great. If I can send any kind of log(s) or crash report please let me know.