Console Patching & Updates Quesion


Has anything been released on how/when updates will come to Console. 


 If a world event starts on PC in August will console have the same event during the same time frame? same rewards? same requirements?

If a patch is released for PC, how long before the same patch gets implemented in console? 

Will expansions be delayed for consoles or will they release on the same day as PC? 

I have seen a lot of Devs put PC ports on the shelf after release, and am curious how Neo plans to handle the support/lifepsan of the game on consoles. 

Thank you.

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Console Patching & Updates Quesion
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6 years 258 days ago
Hiero Glyph

This situation is sime kind of unique in gaming industry. Personally, i am not bothered with the state of a game. Ark, Witcher 3 and Kingdome Come were buggy and poorly optimised on release, so its possible for a game to be released on console in bad state. The most frustrating part is that no devs, no publisher says anything. News about new delay circulating about a week already, but both Bigben and Neocore remains silent, not commenting rumors. Due the awful community management console brothers even invaded Steam discussions hub:)

6 years 258 days ago
Posted by Virion90 6 years 259 days ago

No country for customer respect :)  its 7 days left, so we either get the game or the game gets delayed. Anyway, it wont take long

It is odd to be a week away from release without any confirmation on the validity of this date. I mean physical copies need to be shipped with final code weeks in advance so there is no reason for this to be a question. Sure they can patch it on day 1 but if PC is any indicator there will be a massive overhaul given the sheer number of reported issues.

Amazon and most retailers have it listed as 12/31 so even they don't have a confirmed release date. I'm still looking forward to Martyr but things are not looking good for consoles right now.

6 years 259 days ago

No country for customer respect :)  its 7 days left, so we either get the game or the game gets delayed. Anyway, it wont take long

6 years 259 days ago
I Think that everyone will be OK with that, it's not as if there are no other games on the console.

I just want them to say something, anything about it as weeks worth of silence after the fact that all the retailers have told us it's not arriving next week shows a lack of common respect to all concerned.

6 years 259 days ago
Thank you. I've been talking to their Customer Support via email. It's not very encouraging...but they are sticking to the 5th. However they refuse to give any other information about the US release.  If the game needs more polishing I'm ok with that.
6 years 260 days ago

Most recent news I was able to find about the console release. Bigben on 12 June stated in a tweet that the console release was 5 July... I also heard a rumor on youtube about them release more information this week. The only reason I am playing on PC is so I know how the game works so my Wife and I can play on Xbox.

6 years 260 days ago
More or less trying to figure out if Content & State of the Game Panels can be held across multiple platforms. I would assume it would be like Neverwinter where console is a whole 1 season/year behind on content.
6 years 260 days ago
Since MS and Sony usually want to check patches beforehand I guess you'll see a few Months between PC patches and consoles... same goes for events I guess.
6 years 260 days ago
You  (like the rest of us console players) dont need to worry about this until December 31st at the very least