Charybdis Unplayable on PS4 and Now on Sale!


Anyone that payed full price for this mission has totally gotten screwed over. Its now 40% off on PSN and I still cannot play it after I bought it weeks ago for full price! This item should not even be available on the PSN if it doesn't work! Do early adopters get any kickback for this?

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Charybdis Unplayable on PS4 and Now on Sale!
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6 years 83 days ago
Thanks for the details!

I checked what can be the problem with the Skull mask and found that you created your account after the patch which brought the mask to the console platform and that is why you cannot find it in the Extras. On the other hand its likely that later it will be available for those players who created their account after the release of the mask.

6 years 84 days ago

Hi Marco, even though the Charybdis DLC was installed in addition to trying all of your suggestions, it did not appear in Astropath until after I completed the The Enemy Below missions. 

As for the Mask of the Martyrs compensation, it still is not showing up in my EXTRAS on the bridge, and I purchased a physical copy of Warhammer Inquisitor Martyr PS4 in November. Will this be fixed next patch? Thank you.

6 years 87 days ago

first check the Astropath on the Command Bridge where you can start the DLC!
If you cannot see it there please follow these steps:

  • Highlight the tile of the game
  • Press the down button
  • Select PlayStation Store in the newly opened context menu
  • Go to the right, select 'Your add-ons'
  • Check whether every DLC is listed there and is shown as 'Installed' or 'Activated'

If even there the DLC is shown as Installed, uninstall the game as well as the DLC and Season pass, then first install the DLC and the Season pass and only after that the game. Please reply back if any of these helped you out! 

6 years 87 days ago

I just bought the Charybdis mission (as well as the ps4 season pass), but don't know how to access it or what section to find it in.

6 years 120 days ago
i think i played the mission on the weekend (well not sure if it was the dlc) but whats wrong with it?
6 years 126 days ago
Good lets have it and see if it  satisfy any of this. I am still hopeful.
6 years 126 days ago
The patch bringing the fixes for PS4 will fix the Charybdis DLC as well. The patch will come out this week or at the beginning of next week! 
6 years 133 days ago
Seriously Neocore, you'll be lucky to come out of this without owing EVERYONE a full refund. Fix the game first, then worry about putting stuff on sale.