char creation/ deletion


i delete and char which should allowed me to make other on but now keep saying that there no room to make more// xbox

i was at 10 which is max then i del 1 =9  then issues 


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char creation/ deletion
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4 years 95 days ago
Cerberus Hades
We will see but I support the idea to increase the character limit by a few more as more Seasons come out.

I had a talk with our endgame team over this matter and they have the same opinion as me.

4 years 97 days ago
ok thanks , and will get 2 more spot every season for char only 10 max total for an while?
4 years 98 days ago
Cerberus Hades
Cannot promise the changes will arrive before the end of the Season but I will push this matter to our team.

The character limit won't be lifted.

4 years 99 days ago
before the season is over ? can we just have no char limit to avoid this problem?
4 years 99 days ago
This problem was resolved on PC but it seems the changes did not come to Xbox and PS4. We will resolve this in the shortest time possible. Sorry for the trouble.
4 years 99 days ago
Be aware that in the new UI introduced in season 1, there is now a "trash can" of sorts for characters (in the bottom right when the character selection list is open), such that you can un-delete your last one. It's possible that this is taking up one of your slots. I do know that characters in the trash do cause name collisions (verified on PC build, Nov 4th).

I'm not aware of a way to clear this slot directly. The only way I know to permanently get rid of a deleted character is to delete another (which pushes the previous one out of the trash slot). You can obviously un-delete the character immediately afterwards (thus freeing up a new slot), but it is definitely a bit of a scary maneuver.

I play on PC, so you may want to check with another console player before doing this, as I have no first-hand experience with that interface.