"Chance to cast a Warp Nova when struck" Armor enchant STUNS THE PLAYER


Picked up a new Demolition Armor with "+% chance to to cast a Warp Nova when Struck"

Everytime it goes off I get stunned.  My Supression was Green the whole time and I got perma stunned by a group of mobs.

The Warp Nova did NOTHING to the enemies.  No damage, no stun, nothing.

Store Page
3 years 59 days ago
Same problem here, just to verify that this is still occurring.  

I had really hoped this would let me keep the buff from "100 crit chance for 4 seconds after an Empyrean Echo spell" going, but instead... it just stunlocks me to death.
3 years 65 days ago
Posted by Marcopolocs 3 years 65 days ago
We will implement a fix on one of the coming weeks! Thanks for every input!
Thanks :)

I admit, I will miss the 1990s warp spasm rave video effect when the warp nova procs itself repeatedly by hitting the player, but I suppose it has to go!

3 years 65 days ago
We will implement a fix on one of the coming weeks! Thanks for every input!
3 years 66 days ago
Yep, this one is complete balls, and also hilarious. The warp nova generated by this effect hits the player- and fast-hitting trash packs can proc it often enough to stunlock you for minutes at a time. 

This one doesn't look like it has been tested very well. There are other armour effects that are currently massively broken in a beneficial way, but this one just renders the item unusable and the game unplayable. It would be nice if it could be fixed to hit hostiles :)

3 years 75 days ago
Very true. Waiting for a fix, this enchant has great potential
3 years 76 days ago
jep....same happend to me