Challenge Mode


Why exactly are the rewards for challenge mode so bad?  A few extra glory is not even worth the time and effort put into doing a mission on extreme difficulty.  There needs to be some kind of bonus at the end for doing challenge modes and for that matter missions with well beyond your gear score.

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Challenge Mode
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6 years 273 days ago
Posted by Jyrm 6 years 273 days ago
Once challenge mode is implemented properly (side missions) then you may see an uptick in FATE... which drives your TAROT missions/crafting.
Please define: "implemented properly"

What will it be like, and how do you know?

6 years 273 days ago
Posted by Jyrm 6 years 273 days ago
Once challenge mode is implemented properly (side missions) then you may see an uptick in FATE... which drives your TAROT missions/crafting.
That's not really enough incentive though.  There needs to be extra rewards for doing harder missions.  A few extra fate points is very trivial compared to the time you need to put in to finish missions that difficult.
6 years 273 days ago
Once challenge mode is implemented properly (side missions) then you may see an uptick in FATE... which drives your TAROT missions/crafting.