Can't log in


Before the update 2.19 WH 40K Inquisitor was working fine and now a screen pop up reads incorrect e-mail or password......what gives I need help with this can't play because of that. Thank you.

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Can't log in
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2 years 114 days ago
Could you tell me your current Cabal's name? I will have the dev team fully reset your Cabal objectives.
2 years 117 days ago
Hello, I just logged in now and it is still frozen. I already have three cabal mission completed but can't move on for more cabal missions. Thank you for your help.
2 years 120 days ago
Is it still frozen for you? Our console testers looked into the issue but found no problem with the reroll function. Let me know if you still experience the bug. 
2 years 128 days ago
Yes and I can't reroll or play another cabal mission, it's like frozen.
2 years 129 days ago
We will look into the issue. The problem seems to affect only those Cabal missions which include a donation process, am I right?
2 years 130 days ago
The Cabal mission " Send Tribute to Mars " Collect Electro Fragment is the same can't move on to a next Cabal Mission and can't Reroll Mission. 
2 years 133 days ago
Well I logged in,  thanks. I have been checking and so far nothing's missing from my inventory all is there thank you again. The only problem I'm having right now is with a bugged Cabal mission the one it reads "Pay Tithe to the High Lords" collect credits. The interact button that was on the screen is gone so I'm stuck. 
2 years 134 days ago
2 years 134 days ago

AWS servers seem to be down making it impossible to login on all platforms. We will keep tracking the situation and will update you guys once we have something to share.

Fingers crossed that Amazon will handle the problem quickly.

2 years 134 days ago
Hello, well I received a new popup screen which reads " Something went wrong while connecting to the GameSparks Servers. Please try again later."  Well I tried and nothing guess I'll have to wait. I managed to login once and I played one mission and after that couldn't play no more and then that popup appears. I play on PS4
2 years 135 days ago

The maintenance is officially over on PS4 and players can login now. The game received a brand new backend service and we expect noticable improvements from a performance perspective.

Please check all your stuff and characters in-game and let us know if anything is missing!

Thanks for your patience over the last few days!

2 years 135 days ago
I hear u. I tried again and servers are under maintenance again best of luck to u,

Hope u get into some games

2 years 136 days ago
It's annoying because I really wanted to play now and I have to tell my friends I can't play untill this issue is fixed.
2 years 136 days ago
Same here I get email or password incorrect when I boot it up on ps4