Cant level up my clan


So i am collecting cabal resources, i see in the missions i do pick them up. Still, the progress bar in cabal window allways shows 0.

This post was edited 4 years 155 days ago by Ypulse
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Cant level up my clan
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4 years 149 days ago

No, you are having it.

If you have it up the option to see all kind of Daily Challenges, Campaign Process and all kind of others progress on the right side of your screen when you are on deck. You may have to click on a tiny arrow to get to the thing you are looking for. There you will see a tiny little square which is named Donate. Click on that X # of times to donate how much you are required to.

Many of those resources you are required to donate you do not collect and manage as with other resources is being collected.

When you figure it out, it is sp easy you will dash your hand in the forehead and say Doohhh. And may shake your head a bit. Lol.

This comment was edited 4 years 149 days ago by Brother Kundari
4 years 153 days ago
Posted by Marcopolocs 4 years 154 days ago
There is a 'Donate' button in the right upper corner right next to the active Cabal directive. By clicking on it you can complete the objective (if you have the necessary amount of resource).
I do not have donate button. My resources are 0, despite picking up them constantly.
4 years 154 days ago
There is a 'Donate' button in the right upper corner right next to the active Cabal directive. By clicking on it you can complete the objective (if you have the necessary amount of resource).