Can't get - Binharic sripture - Tier III master [PC]


As in title, I can't get Binharic sripture achievement for Tier III master on PC. 

Tried to swap gear, put psalm codes on and off but didn't get it.

Does anyone else have same problem?

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Can't get - Binharic sripture - Tier III master [PC]
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1 year 346 days ago

@PALLADAN‍ I manually completed the objective for you. I guess the objective glitched when you tried to apply the psalm on a gear and subsequent attempts were already futile.

@AMBIENT4522‍ let me know your in-game account and I will do the same for you.

1 year 351 days ago

Same problen. Devs, we need help. Platform PC.

This comment was edited 1 year 351 days ago by Ambient4522