Cannot advance in campaign


Sometimes when I load up the game, campaign mission I have already cleared still show up.

This happened, and I replayed the second morality choice mission without speaking to the captain first.  Now the game will not let me advance.  I reload the game and I get the second morality choice mission brief from the captain, but the mission is already complete, and I cant speak to the captain again because she remains lit from the mission brief.  I attached a video.  URL for video is also as follows.                                                                                                                                                                 

Store Page
Cannot advance in campaign
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5 years 296 days ago
Thank you for notifying us! This issue does not require a patch, we can solve it on our backend! We will do so as soon as possible!
5 years 297 days ago
I’m still having the same issue, even after the patch.

PS4 gamer tag:  Kreepingdeath13

Character name: Marius 

5 years 298 days ago
Fixed now, thanks!!!
5 years 298 days ago
I am also having the same problem

Gamertag: kreeepingdeath13

Character: Marius

5 years 299 days ago

Thank you so much for fixing this for me!

5 years 299 days ago

Problem solved

This comment was edited 5 years 299 days ago by CrazyBizzy
5 years 301 days ago

Gamer tag- sTEPSIDe

Character- Tactical

Issue- broken store with !

5 years 302 days ago

Acting the same for me, installed the patch, no change, still can't advance in campaign, captain Ranga still has exclamation mark above her head.

Gamertag:  Wasca11yWabbit4

Xbox one console

This comment was edited 5 years 302 days ago by knightmare713
5 years 302 days ago
Thanx, guys! Captain Ragna is working just fine again! Perfect! U covered that very quickly.
5 years 302 days ago
Having a problem where the captain has an "!" over her and I cannot speak to her. This happened after I played a campaign mission that was available to me even though I already completed it previously.


Gamer: CrazyBizzy

Character: Maximus

5 years 302 days ago

For me after the patch still the same

Gamertag: oV Phalanx Vo

Character: Vernom

5 years 302 days ago
Please send us your PSN and your Character's name and we will get it fixed!
5 years 302 days ago
This is exactly what is happening to me on my PS4.
5 years 302 days ago
I am also in the same boat all the martyr chapters checked and glitching out where I can’t access the site.  Just downloaded the patch still not fixed.  

Gamer tag: keek69

Character : KRULL lvl 38 Psyker.

5 years 303 days ago
Psn: Creechy97 

Char: Mortymas

5 years 303 days ago

5 years 303 days ago
Same here on PS4
5 years 303 days ago
I think I'm in the same boat just now, Ragna still highlighted for giving a mission but unresponsive making Store unusable.


XBox One.

Gamertag: ALANmorgan

Hopefully something straightforward enough to apply a fix.

5 years 303 days ago
Yes, I did and forwarded your case already to our devs! A fix is to be expected soon!
5 years 303 days ago

Did you receive my last?

5 years 305 days ago
Info is as follows

Gamertag:  Wasca11yWabbit4

Console ID:  7e405adb.43d17db9.46b9a22e.99b27c02.01

Xbox Live Device:  FD00ED09F5F2DDEE

Global Device:  6755406685584276

Serial:  211927654548

5 years 306 days ago

would you please provide your PSN/Gamertag and the character's name which stuck? This is a known issue by us and it will be fixed as soon as possible!