Campaign bug


After the mission where you reach the research wing and the mission ends (The Inquisitor stating that he must return to the ship to prepare), the Inquisitor teleported out and the mission hung on an empty map before dropping back to the hub, and there is no further quest marker to continue the main quest.

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Campaign bug
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1 year 300 days ago
This comment was deleted 1 year 298 days ago by Marcopolocs
1 year 300 days ago
This comment was deleted 1 year 298 days ago by Marcopolocs
1 year 301 days ago
This comment was deleted 1 year 298 days ago by Marcopolocs
5 years 345 days ago
Ugg sorry the char name is just deacon a crusader 
5 years 346 days ago
Psn is deaconssoul and so is my char name
5 years 346 days ago
May I ask your PSN/Gamertag as well as your character's name? I will forward your case to our developers!
5 years 346 days ago
I got this same bug after completing  the machine spirit quest. The one you had to find the biosphere on. It was on a empty map for about 4 min then went back to the bridge. Still says I need to do the mission but it's not there anymore
5 years 353 days ago

Someone must've found it before I got to reply, because it's fixed now?

Thanking you, or whomever got to it. If I have another bug I'll remember to put my PSN/character in.

5 years 356 days ago

may I ask your Gamertag/PSN and your character's name?