Blessing of Saint Victorius potentially broken


Running mission with +202% damage and Reborn Maruader was able to hit for roughly 50% HP multiple times even though Blessing of Saint Victorius says cant take more than 30% damage from a single hit.  

Was able to test easily by killing all enemies except reborn maruader then wait for it to use the attack where it teleports to you.  Per the damage text its a single hit. 

Unknown if its a problem with Blessing of Saint Victorius or is unique to Reborn Maruader at this time.. will test more and add any additional enemies I find to be able to hit for more than 30% HP in a single hit. 

EDIT:  A Howling Banshee Exarch was also able to hit for more than 30% max HP.  Believe that Blessing of Saint Victorius may be broken and not working.

EDIT2: A Carnifex hit for over 50% max HP so very likely broken again..

This post was edited 4 years 290 days ago by Bishop120
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Blessing of Saint Victorius potentially broken
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4 years 290 days ago
This has just started to get checked on our end (a couple of days). There have been conflicting test results so we are not yet sure what causes the problem but are on it! 

Thank you for the detailed report though, I forward it to those checking this recently.