Binharic sripture glitched?

  • Binharic scripture wont proc no matter how many sockets new or old are used and pslams swapped between every peice of gear. Warp teor iii quest binharic scripture just says apply a pslam code and I've applied hundreds but to no effect. Anyone else getting this? Shut down game and get naked then reboot and regear dis not work for me
This post was modified 2 years 336 days ago by Marcopolocs
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Binharic sripture glitched?
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2 years 135 days ago
I am having the same issue on PS4
2 years 291 days ago
Can you tell me your account name and platform?
2 years 296 days ago
I’m having the same problem…
2 years 336 days ago
Please tell me your account name and I will assist you in the matter.
2 years 339 days ago
Does not work for me. I'll be happy to receive some help
3 years 41 days ago
Worked on nids. Thanks for the assist thought i was doing something wrong or something

3 years 42 days ago

This particular Seasonal objective might got stuck on your end. As we tested, the objective works (at least for us).

To help you out not to miss the Tier 3 rewards, we marked this objective for you as completed and removed 1 number from the Banish the Warp Spawn objective. Please kill 1 more Demon and you completed this tier too. :)