Azure Void Crusade


Tryed the new Azure-Void-Crusade today, and i am very happy that i did. The previous Crusades were all very similar besides enemy-composition. This new one is more distinct. There seem to be more missions that increase the difficulty and we got only one Supreme-Mission(with different ways to reach it). And when you reach it, the fight is different as well.  I loved fighting this boss. Most "bosses" die after 3-8 seconds of focused damage. Here i had to actually run away and heal up. Even using the inoculator-recharge-supply-chests and come up with a more tactical approach. The fight had me at the edge of my seat. Almost died 2 or 3 times and i felt a rare sense of accomplishment/pride after bringing him down. I did it on +8 with a lvl-82 psyker. Cant wait to get enough shards to do it again.

The game needs a few more big bosses like this.

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Azure Void Crusade
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4 years 268 days ago

The boss is from the old WZ. As bad as that was, looking back, it now seems amazing compared to the current one.

Also, the old WZ Nemesis boss could be fought many times in a row (as long as you had the mats). AND it dropped pretty cool, unique items (WZ relics).

Now, we have to grind a bunch of ez pz missions for one chance to fight him, AND he doesn't drop anything worthwhile? Amazing...

There are a lot of old things that Neocore got rid of, and replaced with inferior counterparts.

I am not holding out much hope for the upcoming seasons patch.

I expect to be somewhere in between "underwhelmed" and "WTF".

This comment was edited 4 years 268 days ago by treecargarage
4 years 268 days ago

Totally agree.  I liked the "uniqueness" this crusade provides compared to the others and now end up wishing they redid the others so that there was something unique about each of them other than the maps.  The single supreme mission is more preferable than the 3 different ones.. though I would say that could be something left as a "uniqueness" for one of the other crusades..