Archeotech Relic enchantment not working and others


I have an Archeotech Relic Purity Seal on my Tech-Adept with the main enchantment of 

xx Energy Shield HP gained for every point of Data-flux spent

However it does not seem to give any shield hp at all. 

Also what's with the blue electrical aoe that sometimes appears after a bot dies? It sometimes takes out the rest of them. 

Edit: this is all xbox

This post was edited 4 years 365 days ago by Zippo 0nline
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Archeotech Relic enchantment not working and others
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4 years 362 days ago
I only remember it happening against eldar aoe poison DOTs and chaos aoe DOTs with poison... or it could just be the ai grenade spam lol
4 years 362 days ago
Zippo 0nline

This sounds bad, we will have a look! Thank you!

4 years 362 days ago

I noticed something else with the vivisectors if they die with a DOT on one of them and I resummon them during the DOTs duration it looks like they continue to take damage from it and it also damages friendly units

4 years 363 days ago

Regarding your question on the Plasma Beam: as it is a channeled skill it doesn't trigger the on hit effects.Vivisectors explodes  upon dying which causes area damage around them. This is one of their ability - Self-Destruct.

We can confirm: the energy shield ability is not working, this has been forwarded to our devs. Thanks for the report!

4 years 365 days ago
Anything about what i posted below on Tech-Adept ranged weapons good sir? 
4 years 365 days ago
We are already checking this one, I cannot yet confirm anything related to the ability. 
4 years 365 days ago

Any info on these Lord @MARCOPOLOCS

Also there's this

5 years 14 hours ago
I've also found that the 4 ranged weapons for the Tech-Adept don't seem to have xx cooldown or damage increase for xx ability rolls on them.  Is this correct? 
5 years 1 day ago
Plasma Caviler Beta ability Plasma Beam only seems to trigger "on hit" proc's on the initial activation of the ability. IE

HP gained on hit



Reduce the targets armour

Is this intended or an error?